Path to the Peak Bug
I have lost multiple games trying to play a stadium on top of Path to the Peak and it just bugs out and doesn't recognize I played a new stadium. Anyone else glitch lost to this Path bug?
Where are my packs?
I recently opened 12 scarlet and violet packs and redeemed the code cards the twelve packs came up and then as soon as I clicked the pack to open it. It put me in a game and I was obviously mad but I left the game and when I got back to the lobby none of my 12 packs were there with no new Pokémon! I just want my packs…
There is a lot of bugs, exclusive with card itens (Nest ball, Ultra Ball, etc...) the pokemons, or energy cards doesnt appear to select, I lost my card and sometimes the game freeze. Item cards, to select other cards, like support, energy, etc... The game freezes, sometimes the cards doesnt appear, sometimes the cards get…
Leafy Camo Poncho?
Opponent was able to Switch out my [Vmax with Leafy Camo Poncho] with a Boss's Orders? After this interaction I was unable to use any cards in my hand and I couldn't use any of my effects, all I could do was End Turn..
My Ditto copied Keen Eye and there seemed to be a bug
Hi, I was playing Ditto Control in Expanded on my iPhone and this happened. My ditto copied Starly (Darkness Ablaze 145)’s Keen Eye when confused and got a tail when flipping the coin. Already had 50 damages on it so it came to 80 in total and knocked itself out. It was hilarious that the game let me search for 2 cards…
Missing cards
I’m missing hundreds of cards since the transfer from tcgo to tgl Im missing all my Sun & moon expansion sets x&y sets and then from the sword and shield era battle styles, shining fates, vivid voltage, celebrations and fusion strike I wish I could remember them all but it seems like im missing quite a lot. Thanks for…
Deck migration failed
I've lost the date to export my Sword&Shield deck to TCG Live, I've tried to redeem my deck using the card with the code but it says "this deck has already been redeemed" Is it still possible to export my deck from TCGO?
Calyrex’s King’s Instructions broke the game.
It happened just now. My calyrex has two jet energies attached to it, and when I used its King’s Instructions to search for 2 cards, the game was broken… Still haven’t come to an end. I am stuck in that game. The animation is playing but I don’t even see the pop-up ‘dialogue’ to select my cards.
Login Problem
The App says wrong password, but i checked 100x times and got two times a new password. Still not able to log in. Normal Pokémon trainer club account does work. I play on an Samsung tablet and it worked in winter fine but not since 2 Weeks. I am very frustrated.
Chien Pao Ex W/ Bravery Charm Bugged
Can't damage an active Chien Pao Ex with Bravery Charm.