Gardevoir ex bug or possible other glitch issue

Here is the order of events that lead to issue
Turn Start
Played Zacian V to bench
Retreated Gardevoir ex moving Zacian V to active
Used Gardevoir ex ability to start attaching energy to Zacian
After attaching 6 energy from discard to Zacian V screen glitched (game flickered) and all energy on Zacian V disappeared but the damage caused by attaching remained, energy to be attached went away and i had to click on gardevoir ex again to use the ability and start attaching again
Finished attaching 3 more energy from discard to Zacian V and 1 energy from hand, but was unable to access the screen for Zacian V that would let me attack.
Hello Trainer,
Thank you for your report. I recommend you open a ticket for this issue with the support team. To do so, visit then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us".