Recent Activity

Activity List

  • Prcsslilybat
    Prcsslilybat earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    March 24
  • Prcsslilybat
    Prcsslilybat earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    March 24
  • GratefulPoké

    love and gratitude

    March 16
  • TPCi_GarbageKing
    TPCi_GarbageKing earned the 100 LOLs badge.
    You received 100 LOLs. When you're liked this much, you'll be an MVP in no time!
    March 14
  • Looping61
    Looping61 earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    March 14
  • Doggger
    Doggger cambiada their imagen de perfil.
    March 13
  • Doggger
    Doggger obtuvo la medalla Fotogénico .
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    March 13
  • NeedExeggutorEx

    Do you have got Aerodactyl EX with 4 Diamonds (not the 2 golden star version)?

    Just tell me your favorite cards and you'll get it in exchange :)

    Friendship-ID: 1682-0472-8852-2575

    March 13
  • DiegoStarUltra
    DiegoStarUltra earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    March 12
  • Apuhaku
    Apuhaku obtuvo la medalla Fotogénico .
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    March 9
  • Pokémon342548

    Why are there some comments that has "This content has been removed"? Thanks!

    March 9
  • SD_Brian
    SD_Brian earned the 10 Comments badge.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places.
    March 4
  • SD_Brian
    SD_Brian earned the Name Dropper badge.
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.
    March 4
  • SD_Brian
    SD_Brian earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    March 4
  • markjfun
    markjfun earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    February 28
  • markjfun
    markjfun earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    February 28
  • Hunter200000000
    Hunter200000000 earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    February 28
  • Hunter200000000
    Hunter200000000 earned the First Comment badge.
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray!
    February 28
  • Pokémon342548

    Hi, @Mod_Ember!

    I'm having a problem in the discussion of "WHAT are the developers doing????" by @schiesse. There are some users who are arguing to each other. Can you help us?

    (P/s. To view that discussion, you can click directly on the title of that discussion that I have given.)

    Please help us, as this problem is going on badly.



    February 25
  • MrNaranja
    MrNaranja obtuvo la medalla Fotogénico .
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    February 21
  • MrNaranja
    MrNaranja earned the First Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.
    February 21
  • Jacob-Maldonado
    Jacob-Maldonado earned the 10 Comments badge.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places.
    February 20
  • Candy0_o
    Candy0_o earned the 25 Likes badge.
    You received 25 Likes. You're posting some good content. Great!
    February 20
  • Candy0_o
    Candy0_o changed their profile picture.
    February 20
    REMORAH2 obtuvo la medalla Fotogénico .
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    February 19
  • TPCi_olliewoop
    TPCi_olliewoop earned the 5 Agrees badge.
    You received 5 Agrees. We like that.
    February 6
  • TPCi_olliewoop
    TPCi_olliewoop earned the 5 Likes badge.
    You received 5 Likes. We like that.
    February 6
  • Pokecreator113
    Pokecreator113 earned the 5 Likes badge.
    You received 5 Likes. We like that.
    February 6
  • TPCi_SomeDucks
    TPCi_SomeDucks earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    February 5
  • erlmaster
    erlmaster hat das Namensgenerator- Abzeichen erhalten.
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.
    February 3