Good website to find affordable Pokemon TCG sets?
As of recently, Destined Rivals became one of the many recent sets that sold out way too quickly and got affected by scalpers and such. This also means that trying to find affordable English TCG sets has become a near impossibility without finding price gouged ETBs and out of stock products. But since I am hoping to get…
Does someone want to trade paradox pokemon?
I have most of them in violet and want to complete the pokedex.
What’s the Best Strategy for Catching Legendary Pokémon in Sword and Shield?
Hi everyone, I’ve been playing Pokémon Sword and Shield, and I’m having some trouble catching Legendary Pokémon. I know there are different ways to encounter them, but I’m not sure what strategy works best. I’ve tried using Ultra Balls and saving before the encounter, but some of them just seem to run out of chances too…
why can't I link my nintendo switch to my pokemon go?
I had my pokemon trainer club account linked to my pokemon go same with my nintendo account but it doesn't show whenever i try to link my nintendo to my pokmeon go.
Can someone please join my union circle so we can get legends from indigo disk
Please I need some people to help and I don't have all the legends yet so please help me get them the code is BJLML1
Why was Garchomp nerfed so much?
I’ve been playing since the release of pokemon unite and haven’t had any complaints about the game. However, I came back to it a month ago after taking a half year break from the game to find out how much has changed. The new Pokemon are all great, no real complaints, though Garchomp has been ruined by nerfs and unfair…
Question regarding card image download
Looking download the source image file to where the card images are.. my pc isn't saving the image data .. there used to be a button you could click on that downloaded the images in pc so the load time is quicker .. every time I go to play I have to wait on all the card images to regenerate which takes a very long time ..…
I need Lucario 1 star
Last one for my dex Will trade any of these: Heatran, mespirit, combee, marshadow, charmander, vaporeon, salandit, execguttor, porygon, ditto, meowth, pidgeot, dragonite, nidoqueen, cubone, slowpoke, alakazam, gyarados, gloom, or bulbasaur Lmk!
Device compatibility
I've been playingI've been playing Pokémon live for over a year now. For the past 2 months I haven't been able to play as I have been sick in the hospital. I've come home to see that there's a new update when I open the app. When I go to the Google Play Store it tells me that the app is no longer available on my device. I…
Has anyone had issues with an incorrect first name on Pokémon Club?
Hi everyone, I recently noticed that my first name on my Pokémon Club account is incorrect. It is listed as "Bartek," but my full and correct name is "Bartłomiej." Since Bartek is just a diminutive, I want to change it, but I’m not sure about the process. I already contacted Pokémon Support yesterday, but I haven’t…