Forum Assistance Requests
Greetings, forum users! Should you have any forum-related issues that you need assistance with, please comment in this thread, and you will be contacted as soon as our moderators are available. Please note that this thread is for technical assistance only. Should you be experiencing an issue with another user, please…
[DISCUSSION THREAD] Play! Pokémon Standards of Conduct and Inclusion Policy in Online Environments
2025 Championship Series Mid-Season Update - Nov 11, 2024
Greetings, Trainers! With the 2025 Championship Series properly kicked off and underway, our team has since been diligently working behind the scenes in monitoring player sentiment and considering adjustments to the program. We sincerely thank you for submitting your feedback as you engage with our events in the interest…
Pokémon Community Rules & Guidelines
Contribute to the community in a positive way We need your help to make an inviting, fun, and safe community! Be kind, courteous, and respectful. Do not share or reveal personal details about yourself or others Your safety is extremely important! Never share any identifying information about yourself or others, like your…
Redo "Send Thanks" to make it less toxic
If the devs are not going to make "Send Thanks" auto by default so players don't need to actively click/press on it, at least make it less toxic. It needs to be such that if you don't "Send Thanks" after a battle/trade, you cannot receive the gift from "Send Thanks" for that battle/trade as well. It's the only fair way to…
Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey, Since the release of trading option in Pokémon TCG Pocket the forums are only just a bunch of people who want to trade cards. And every time there’s a new discussion. So here you can say which cards you need and find someone to trade with. Please post it here. -NoahLaprasForum (Edit: Many People already do this! Thx!)
Pokémon MEMES
Primal Groudon: I am the heaviest Pokémon in the world! Cosmoem and Celesteela: No, we are! Copperajah with its hidden ability Heavy Metal: PATHETIC
LF Aerodactyl (#210 GA)
Need: Aerodactyl (#210) Can Give: leave comment which 3 star you need
Trade lf Alakazams
Lf alakazam 💎 💎 💎 Trading any 3 💎 💎 💎 Lapras, elektross, golem (GA), gengar (GA), kabutops, aeodactyl, superior, mamoswine. Vileplume Trainer i.d 3590053307736742
Fan rotom search bug
Unsure if repeatable at this time but recently had used fan rotom's ability and the right most card was unselectable even though it showed up in the interface. 2nd bug I've hit with any card in a week. Just fix the game so it's playable every time please
What are some of the pokemon are afraid of?
Just as there are rivalry between pokemon when it comes to territory or bitter fight to the finish like Zangoose and Seviper, what are some of the pokemon being afraid of other pokemon? I would suspect that a beedrill let alone the combee line will easily scare a grass type elephant pokemon.
I need 3-diamonds cards from GENETIC APEX:
Need: Venusaur, Beedrill, Vileplume, Exeggutor, Poliwrath, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Articuno, Zapdos, Hypno, Mewtwo, Golem, Muk, Kangaskhan, Ditto, Snorlax I can give: Charizard, Blastoise, Lapras, Raichu, Jolteon, Gardevoir, Machamp, Kabutops, Melmetal, Dragonite, ID: 2018358226247101
To the guys out there...
What would win between a 1,000,000 lions or a flaming elemental lasagna in space or one of every Pokémon?
Is It Safe To Give Pokemon Chocolate?