Game Not Completely Loading (Error 10097)
Hello! I had downloaded PTCG: Live and after attempting to open it and transfer my stuff from PTCGO to Live, the game refuses to let me get passed the 35/39 loading screen. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, I have attempted to close the game and reopen it, I've reset my PC, and even reset my router. I am…
Why does it not work on Chromebook?
I play on chromebook and TCG Live has never loaded past 5/39 please fix
Please increase the time, THIS IS A CARD GAME!! It requires an appropriate time to think the best moves especially if you are playing a difficult deck. I've lost countless battles just because I ran out of time for strategizing. THIS IS A STRATEGY GAME THAT REQUIRES THINKING AND THINKING TAKES TIME
Team magma and team aqua card back did not inherit to live
Team magma and team aqua card back did not inherit to live
Game is too helpful
Had a funny experience just now. The game will not let you use cards like switch cart if the Pokémon you have in play has a retreat cost of zero. I retreated my active Pokémon (Regelecki VMAX which has a zero-retreat cost) into my other Regelecki. I then tried to use switch cart, but the game wouldn't let me, because even…
Second player timed out. Match still going.
So got halfway through a game and my opposition got knocked out and was choosing his active pokemon. 5 minutes counted down, it flashed yellow then continued counting down over 15 minutes on there turn. Got to last few seconds, flashing making a noise then timed out. However my game hasn't actually ended. The only option I…
Certain cards not working
Sometimes it won't allow me to Switch Cart, also abilities not hilighting when un-used, such as Bibarel's Industrious Scissors. Games will freeze randomly and I'll be forced to either concede or close the app, losing ladder rank either way.
unable to post
seems I can't post. admins don't like being called out so I guess it looks like they are petty people and banning my posts. whats the matter pokemon, don't like being asked to improve the game?
More TCGO Themed Cosmetic Rewards for TCGO Beta and TCGO players
More Cosmetic Rewards for Pokemon TCGO Beta Players and Pokemon TGGO I am filing a feedback to urge Pokemon TCG Live Content Team to create special themes cosmetic deckbox, coins and avatar items in TCG Live for players who played TCGO Beta back in 2011 with TCGO Logo on the the cosmetic items as well TCGO (Not beta)
View All Bundles menu design request
I think the current "View All Bundles" screen in the shop is too small for desktop users. There's a lot of empty space. The current screen looks like this. I made a quick mock up of an alternate version of this screen, pictured below. I'd just like a menu that uses more of screen so users can see more options at a time.…