Authentication Issue
Is Authentication down right now or is it just me? I completed a match and then got booted from the iPhone App. When I re-opened it, it gets to the part where you pop-in your username and password, but then just freezes when you hit the button to continue.
[Bug Report] Arezu Doesn't Reveal the 3 Pokemon Cards to Opponent
My opponent currently does not reveal which 3 cards they put into their hand when playing Arezu.
Lumineon - Thorton Bug
Alas i don't have a screen shot. But i was playing a Whiscash - Blastoise Mill deck. My Lumineon Card 'acted' as a Whiscash and froze/softlocked the game. How i got the bug: My bench contained: Rotom-V / Diancie / Blastoise PoGo / Barboach / Manaphy Active was: Diancie Opponent killed Diancie → i switched in my second…
That is all.
Fix the bug
Path to path shuts down mimikyu safeguard ability. Are the developers dumb? Arceus V attack went through.
I cannot get into the game after select the language, a white screem show up and looping select lang
pls help..🙏 i tried to uninstall the game and clean all the ptcg \user\locallow\appdata file and then reinstall the game and rebot the computer . Can anyone help? i also tried to switch the proxy auto from on to --> off. i would not help.
Bug Report: Self-KO from Psychic Embrace
What it says in the title; Gardevior EX's Psychic Embrace is explicitly stated that you can't use it to attach energy onto something that would get KO'd by the recoil damage. However, while I had a 70+50 HP Drifloon (Bravery Charm), the game somehow let me attach a 6th energy, causing Drifloon to KO itself (not normally…
won't let me log in
I tried to log in and it tells me that my session has expired and it won't let me do anything else (I'm logging in to the pokemon tcg live game on android)
I bought 2 ex and 1 mega ex but it says I don't have
Support For Asian Countries
Man there's something wrong about the Eastern countries (someone uses Vpn and others not)by one hand TCG live supports only Western countries and on other hand there's no support on Eastern Countries We need to Fix that once and for all please TPCI creators add support for Eastern Countries (please again)