Penalizing AFKers
AFKers who stop playing the moment they think they've lost and let the timer run out are incredibly fristrating and waste a lot of time for people who have the decency to play it out or concede. Are there any plans in place to penalize people who abuse the lack of penalty? I'd love to see them locked out of matchmaking for…
Implement a report feature in PTCGL
I just played against a user named Ray_Ping. Seriously? With no report button, Pokemon Company is saying you think that username is just fine. No list of banned words could be comprehensive enough to completely stop people from sneaking things through; that's the beauty of a report button; it allows users to help moderate…
Gutsy Axe Glitch
So, odd occurrence today. My opponent played Gutsy Axe to move water energy onto a benched Squirtle. That card is supposed to only work on fighting type. I don't have the battle log, long explanation, but I DO have a screenshot that leaves no doubt about it. Anybody else come across this, or know anything about how this…
Is the 3 energy cost attack quest working correctly?
Today I was given a quest to use an attack that costs at least 3 energy. The only matches I remember playing today used a deck with no energy cards in it. The deck uses Hisuan Pokémon with 0 energy attacks. However, after playing some matches I was able to collect the reward for this quest. Has anyone else experienced this?
Deck Customization - Not Owned bug
When in Deck Customization, you can go to Deck Boxes, Card Sleeves, or Coins and switch the filter to Not Owned. This will still display the objects you own.
Dragonite Vstar power bug
after using the dragonite vstar power, my turn suddenly ends
Searching Nest Ball/Mirage Gate bugged on mobile
Searching for basics and energies is pretty pivotal to winning matches. But this bug is interesting is that it completely gets rid of your ability to do that. Wish I could attach a jpg instead of a URL to show you… But the choices of cards that can show up (Valid or All) are not accessible because the drop down menu goes…
Cofagrigus ex dealing 200 damage
Why is Cofagrigus hitting Mewtwo V and Mewtwo VSTAR for 200 damage instead of 110? See turns 3 and 6. Setup TheAbba chose heads for the opening coin flip. TheAbba won the coin toss. nightblitz42 decided to go second. TheAbba drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards. nightblitz42 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.…
Any fix? 3 tickets since October 2023
Mill Bug
If you have 0 cards in your deck and you use an attack that discards cards from the opponents deck, such as Whiscash's Raging and Rocking, it will not work and ends your turn, giving you an auto loss. This completely breaks mill decks and needs to be addressed. We shouldn't be penalized by using all cards in our decks, or…