Please. Add an option to block players.

7 out of 10 matches I need to concede after already lost because the oponent stalls. Cmon. Let us play without tocixity.
I don't think this is going to happen, because of blocking prevents getting matched up it could easily be exploited. Lost against someone? No problem! Just block and never encounter them again :)
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I think an in-match “report player” function would work in these cases instead of a block button, as @PachirisuFan1 mentioned earlier a block button that prevents player from ever pairing up with another user (as opposed to the chat-related block button Online had) would wreak havoc and potentially break matchmaking.
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Just to keep the thread alive and maybe push it to the top.
The problem is worse then ever.
Nearly everyone post rotation gives up while I pick up my last price cards, resulting in less rewards.
Its just bad sportsmanship and there has to be a way to report or block player.
I mean, I see the point: I lost, I block so I never have to face this player again, but if someone does this all the time the person itself will have no oponents so it would not be a problem for the broad playerbase in my opinion.