Cant exchange Champions Festival
I cant buy the card
Miraidon EX Attacking Two Turns in a Row
I just faced an opponent who used Miraidon Ex's photon blaster two turns in a row. My opponent switched that miraidon to the bench his next turn and then switched it backed out to active and used photon blaster again. It was the same exact miraidon. If I remember correctly, he attacked with photon blaster and then used…
Mewtwo Vstar power not working properly
States it damages ALL V pokemon but u used it and it only damaged the active V pokemon, lost me the game.
2 Pokémon activos
Al momento de ser derrotado el Pokémon activo, y seleccionar al nuevo Pokémon activo. Selecciona el primer Pokémon en fila de la banca y el Pokémon que yo seleccioné. Lo bueno aún no logro mi cuenta.
Monday 2023/03/06 date of incident - Australia Location Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz 4.00 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Latest windows 10 updates installed - all G - allowed firewall - game worked - lost couple battles - deck building - shop…
Tired of being punished for game timing out
It will be near the end of the match and the game just ... freezes. The background animations keep going while the other player is forever stuck in switching out a pokemon or whatever. The timer goes all the way to zero and... nothing happens. So I close the app and log back in to find it counted that as me ...conceding?…
Retreat not working
I have lost so many games due to the retreat not working or only working once. I don't know if it has to due with beach court since I only notice the issue it on field, but this is very stupid and I hope its gets fixed soon.
Opponent manipulated by ability to draw mulligan cards.
I was stuck on a "waiting for opponent..." screen waiting to draw cards from their two mulligans. By the time, I was able to do so, I was timed out from doing so, thereby missing my opportunity to draw for their mulligan. (If it matters, I was on Rapid Strike box, opponent Francocos was on Gardevoir).
Scarlett and Violet Pokémon Center ETB code
Still haven’t received anything in game after redeeming codes for both ETB ‘s. According to PoTown you should get a promo card, deck box, and sleeves
Daily quest never completes
Daily quest "Put 2 Pokémon V into play" never completes, no matter which deck I use.