Play with family/friends??
It seems all of the games are random, however my kids and I all play pokemon and I also have nephews that play that live in a different state. Please expand a lobby system.
Energies disappeared from discard pile.
I just finished a game up where I was playing Gardivor EX. I went to use it's ability to attach energies from the discard to a pokemon. I used the ability 3 turns in a row before hand and no issues. But when I went to do so for a 4th turn, The game glitched and removed all my energies from the game and my discard pile flew…
Please put the Time Zone in the maintenance message/pop-up going forward.
Hello, Quite a few people across different platforms get confused when they see the maintenance message pop-up that would just say "08:00 - 13:00", with no indication of Time Zone. If TPCi could include that going forward, that'd be awesome, and cut down on quite a bit of confusion. Thank you!
Cant Log In after Server Maintance
I got the Problem today that on PC (Win 11) I cant log in to the game anymore. I get stuck at the Sever Connection Screen. On Mobile i can log in normally but not on the PC :/ Anyone else have the problem?
My turn has no time
When I was playing I would wait for someone to finish their turn and then it said it was their turn before mine even started. I was never able to play. Has happened many times now. How do I fix it?
Silver Tempest Incineroar Bug?
Incineroar (ST 032/195) seems to have a bug it's Secret Attack move. When evolved using normal progression and one energy attached, the secret attack does not bring up the secondary menu to select which move to use, and ends turn without using a move. Text of move is as follows: (F) Secret Attack Choose an attack from 1 of…
No ex in Miraidon deck
Got the Miraidon deck from the battle pass, but the 2 Miraidon ex are missing. Anybody else here experienced the same?
Forced turn pass on PTCGL?
I think I had a bug where it forced me to pass my turn. I was playing against a Galar-Slowking VMAX deck (poison deck). Had a case where my opponent used Max Toxify to poison me, but immediately after, I drew my start-of-turn card and was then instantly forced to pass; the poison damage takes effect with no chance for me…
Cosmetic 'only' battle pass tiers
Why does a Pokemon TCG have 2 tiers in its battle pass that are cosmetic only? Sure there is 25 credit... What is little Timmy going to do with 25 credits and some pants. No one cares for the avatars. Cut the fluff and give us better tools to play the game.
Opponents cards still playing/unable to play my turn
At first I thought it was Connection lag, but it would seem others are having similar issues and its suggested this is animation lag. reporting it here so Devs can see how many are having this issue in hopes it is taken seriously and fixed soon (maybe with the maintenance coming up?) ISSUE: My opponent's play was taking…