Option to mute opponent emote spam.
Where is the option to mute my opponent? Game after game after game my opponents BM me by relentlessly spamming the creepy avatar emotes and I am unable to stop it. Why? What can't this be stopped? Make it make sense to me.
Pokemon support response time
May I know how long does it take for Pokemon's support to reply? I've made a report a week ago, and 2 staff has asked me very basic question and I have yet to receive a reply in 4 days. The first question was asking me to reply on the website and the second is asking me what codes I am unable to use when I clearly stated…
Bug: Can't check a card
Hello. My rival had in bank two Regieleki V cards, the normal Regieleki V, and another variant. I could check the normal Regieleki card, but not the special version (I wanted to be 100% sure It had the same attacks that the normal one). I couldn't check It either when the Pokémon was at the active place. All the other…
Lag problem during battles
After a while in a battle, it starts to lag out a little between actions and progressively get worse, until it crashes or the time just runs out. Have this issue in Windows and Android.
Issue with Flowering Selecting
I lost a game due to a bug with flowering selecting. It wouldn't allow me to take the card I actually wanted. I had the choices between switch cart and Sableye. I wanted switch cart to get Comfey out of the active and attack with Cramorant turn 2. Well, the game made me take Sableye so I couldn't attack which contributed…
Feature Request: "Always use high resolution card images"
It'd be nice for people on higher end devices to have an option to always load the higher resolution card images that you get when a card is bigger on screen instead of the lower resolution ones you see in your hand or in the card selection part of the deck builder that are somewhat distorted and blocky. Thanks for all…
BUG: Mobile App Restarts When Connecting To Bluetooth Device
If you are in the middle of a game or just on the app in general. If you connect a Bluetooth device to your phone/tablet, the app resets itself back to the loading screen. Obviously this isnt intended so it needs fixing.
Theme decks missing after migration?
hi ive migrated recently and i cant seem to find any of my theme decks i have redeemed in tcg online is that a bug or are they lost forever or are they just not supported any answer is appreciated thank you
Judge Card Not Working Correctly
Using the Scarlet/Violet Judge card changed out mine and my opponent's hand like normal, but for some reason also discarded an energy from my active pokemon. This cost me a ranked game and I fail to understand how this may have happened.
Damage miscalculations
It seems like damage calculations involving type advantage doesn't work well when equipped with choice belt.