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Pokemon Reserch Got Stuck

On what I believe was the 2nd turn of the game, I used Pokemon Research. It got stuck in the center of the field, the effect of the card never happened, and I was stuck, unable to do anything until the turn just randomly ended. After my opponent made their turn, I was able to continue as normal, though the Pokemon Research card remained just stuck in the middle of the board until my opponent decided to use the Judge card, which then shuffled the card back into the deck. Infuriating as not being able to use the effect of the card guaranteed that it was an unwinnable game instead of giving me a chance to set up. This was on the PC version


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited April 2023 #2

    I assume you mean Professor's Research?

    And this was caused by a desync/connection drop.