Conceding during Gardevoir ex "psychic embrace" animation freezes the other player game.
Psychic embrace follow the next sequence: Show energies available -> drag an energy to the appropriate pokemon -> energy is attach -> damage is apply -> repeat. If the opponent concedes during either of the last two steps (after dragging the energy but before the other energies show again) the game becomes unresponsive for…
Code Card Errors
I submitted over 20 code cards from scarlet & violet booster packs and they all went through. I also submitted 3 code cards from scarlet & violet build and battle boxes. These 3 codes didn’t do anything. No new coins, sleeves, boxes, and I checked the promos and I didn’t get any of those either. How can I get the promos or…
Battle VIP pass still broken
Sort it out devs.
Can't Choose Active Pokemon
Every match I've done since I started Live the game automatically picks out my Active pokemon even when I have multiple basic pokemon in hand. I'm unable to change what they pick and has led to some annoying situations of having something stuck in active and unable to do anything when I could've been progressing the game.…
Penny Trainer Griefing or bug?
Currently sitting in a match with a player named Falco124 and they used the Penny Trainer card and has been sitting here for 20 minutes saying they are selecting cards from the board. Is this just a bug or are people actually griefing?
Zeraora VMax bug?
Fairly sure it's a bug but player used Max Fist and didn't discard any energy. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Holos look just awful...
The baby holos look ok but, the full holo cards just look god awful.... Please, fix them.. we have cards with beautiful artwork that are completely ruined..
Possible Quest Bug: Put 4 Pokemon V into play
Quest isnt working with current deck list: Pokémon: 12 4 Comfey LOR 79 1 Sableye LOR 70 2 Cramorant LOR 50 1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 2 Giratina VSTAR LOR 131 1 Giratina V LOR 186 2 Giratina V LOR 130 1 Drapion V LOR 118 1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6 1 Giratina VSTAR LOR 212 1 Lumineon V PR-SW 250 1 Hawlucha SVI 118 Trainer: 17 4…
Nest Ball occasionally doesn't let you select some basic pokemon
As the title suggests: Nest ball sometimes doesn't let you select the basic pokemon that you want. It shows up as clickable but clicking on it will not select it. this happened to me when i tried selecting a Zorua out of Zorua and Drowzee.
i bought 2 cards and didnt get them
I was editing a deck and bought 2 cards and didnt get them in my collection.