Want ingame tournament
I want the ingame tournaments like ptcg online before,with booster packs as prizes.I think this is interesting and will attract more players though this is a casual game.
Does someone want to trade paradox pokemon?
I have most of them in violet and want to complete the pokedex.
❔Whats your favorite pokemon❔
New Set: Shining Revelry
Sorry to interrupt your trading posts... What do you think of the new set? How do you feel about the addition of shiney Pokémon? How do you feel about this set? How do you feel about the pace of new sets in general? Perhaps it was just the hype and novelty of the original set, coupled with it being the only set on a brand…
What's the reason for banning/removing so many cards?
I played on the older version and had so many more cards to choose from and now I have some pre-builts and some boosters I recently bought. And even the ones that did make it over the platform switch, I find it questionable on what's illegal in standard and what isn't. What criteria are they going by?
Scalping Situation
Hey everyone. With Destined Rivals on rapid approach, and hot off the heels of Journey Together, the scalping situation has only gotten worse. It's to the point that unless the TCG is your only spend, a normal person can't really afford to participate. I couldn't even pick up any boosters, outside of the pre-release…
Revert the Wonder Pick Change
Making all the other cards reveal before the one you pick one at a time is going to get annoying. I liked how much faster it was before. You're also going to miss the one you're going for more often than not, and seeing the high rarity card in the other four and being disappointed is going to significantly outweigh those…
How come when i google if Corvisquire is in pokemon unite it says the pokemon is but when i play the
I am looking for Glaceon Ex (4 Diamond)
As the title said, I am looking for for Glaceon Ex (4 Diamond). It is the last card I need for Triumphant Light. I am willing to trade Infernape or Probopass. My code: 9716826387914835
White loading screen after loading game
I can't do anything. The game loads up then goes to a white scree.screen. i can click around and it's asking me to replace a quest but all I see is a white screen with a poke ball in the bottom right