Gardevoir ex bug with the new patch.
so, I'm playing a gardevoir ex deck, and after I finish attaching energy, and click done, it will always say timer up no matter how fast I do it, it will then deal 20 more damage to my drifloon/ scream tail, not attach an energy, and knock out my own Pokemon, despite gardevoir’s ability very clearly stating that you cannot…
What Sync Pairs do you think we'll get on the Masters 5.5 Anniversary
Do you think we'll get an Arc suit Sync Pair or two, or do you think they'll try giving the remaining regions that haven't gotten Neo Champion events yet Neo Champions? Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Alola are left for NC events. Paldea doesn't have one either, but it's too recent. What Arc suit type or NC region do you think we'll…
Minun bug?
Minun's ability doesn't seem to work.
I want a shiny celesteela,buzzwole,nihilego,blacephalon in master ball
My Mythical Island collection is showing as incomplete despite having all the cards
My card collection is showing that Mythical Island is missing a card however I have seven copies of the "missing card". How can I resolve this bug and collect the awards associated with completing the collection? Screenshot links: https://ibb.co/WvXkV6dB https://ibb.co/hJ1JwPLL https://ibb.co/5gQPfkmt
Forums gym challenge battle (Gym 4 (Dragon))
Arlo (Main character)'s pokemon: Shiny servine, shiny pawmi, litleo, duraludon, and mega manectric. Gym leader's pokemon: Drakloak, Vibrava, Tsatsughiri, and Shiny Tyrantrum The gym leader sends out Drakloak first, while Arlo sends out pawmi. Pawmi tries to get around Drakloak with its's speed, but Drakloak stuns it and…
How do I redeem my code
Improvements to spectating and gameplay
Make the pokeball match the color of the team that last hits the pokemon. Show moves of all pokemon on spectator. Show health bar of major objectives like Rayquaza, Rotem, Regis at edge of screen in game(if in view of teammate) and when spectating(if it is being attacked). Show who killed major objectives right away with…
How long is the bug issue going to continue?
I've lost multiple matches I would have won because of server issues. people are able to attach with only two energy on a pokemon that needs three. You can't play any switch card.. some abilities of pokemon don't work it's crazy
Slowking & Crabominable combo
Hi there, I'm cooking on a new deck featuring Slowking (SCR/058) and Crabominable (SCR/042). With the Seek Inspiration attack I have to discard the Crabominable, the Haymaker attack can't be used in the next turn. But when I have to discard the Crabominable and bring it back in my hand or deck next turn does that still…