gardevoir ex psychic embrace
places extra 2 damage counters after finishing ability, causing self KO, which isn't even possible according to ability text
Klawff deck
Hello everyone! I've been doing great things online with my klawff deck and want to bring it to life at my locals. What's everyone's thoughts on my deck down below Pokémon: 16 1 Latias ex SSP 76 1 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex TWM 141 1 Oranguru V ASR 133 1 Lumineon V CRZ-GG 39 1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 92 2 Brute Bonnet PAR 123 2…
switch cart healing all
my opponent played switch cart on a pokemon with 60 damage on it, and the item card healed it all, resulting in a potential winning effort
Hi :
Hi looking for a competitive players to join my team my username is Mr.clutch23 and my unite squad name is Vortex123 😁
Ideas For New Pokemon
I've seen lots of cool ideas for new pokemon and I wanted to start a discussion for them. Here some of my ideas. If you have any idea or thoughts, please comment. A pokemon that is made of really hard glass or makes glass A pokemon that is based off of succulents Pokémon like Trevenant but alive with a few verities like an…
Could Pokemon be made in the 80s?
How many points until rank 4?
I am curious to know how many points I need until the next rank, and even beyond that
Overvolt discharge bugged
Simply put every single time I've used it the ability more or less ends my turn because it doesn't allow me to actually distribute the energy. Im fairly sure this is not a connection issue sense it's happened 5 times straight. I recommend avoiding using this till it's fixed.
Leafeon Attack Bug
Leafeon's move states that once the attack is used it cannot attack on the next turn. This can be bypassed by switching it with a fossil card and then replacing it by discarding the fossil. Now the attack can be used again. Just had someone exploit that which was a bit upsetting. I hope it either gets fixed soon or doesn't…
Stacked basic pokemon on setup turn
Had a weird bug show up when playing first basic pokemon during setup phase. Had a charmander and ho-oh in my hand. With charmander on the farthest left spot and ho-oh to the right of it, I tried to play ho-oh. When I did both cards went to the active spot. It had ho-oh on top but with only 70 hp. I could not click on it…