When was Ash Ketchum dead?
I have a Question about a one of Pokémon trainers from Pallet City, Kanto region is Ash Ketchum. When was he dead? Sorry, I'm from Indonesian
when i get unmute me accout voice chat
it almost15 days when reched pokemon unite international team? pokemon unite system slow dow?
Lost due to connection
I was already on my last turn in a match about to defeat a lv EX pokemon when suddenly the game freezes and after a few minutes it gave me the loss I did'nt deserve. I have screenshots of the battlelog for proof.
Iron Thorns
Hello I think there is a bug on Iron Thorns ability, you see I have an active "IT" against a Lugia V-Star Deck how come it can use its V-Star ability considering V has Rule Boxes. If you are an Official do review my match. It didnt have any Cancelling Cologne.
Kingdra ex deck
I just invented a very powerful new deck strategy using Kingdra ex. It is based off of the chien pao ex strategy, but is quite a bit different If anybody can think of improvements to the deck list shown below, please comment. Pokémon: 12 1 Lumineon V BRS 40 2 Kingdra ex SFA 80 3 Frigibax PAF 17 3 Baxcalibur PAL 60 1 Seadra…
Why does pokemon tcg live keep matching me with strong trainers?
After a winning streak of 4 rounds, I lost for like 9 almost 10 battles and before that, a count of 7 rounds. What is going on? Ever since the update, things like that kept happening. From error notices every single time I log in to battle errors, auto skipping my turn and auto conceding me without me touching anything.…
Houndstone ex deck, I like to try and make other ex cards viable. Constructive criticism welcome
16 Pokémon: 4 Greavard PAF 3 Houndstone ex OBF 1 Houndstone PAF 043 2 Duskull SFA 2 Dusclops SFA 2 Dusknoir SFA 2 Mimikyu PAF 32 trainers: 4 ultra ball 3 switch 4 earthen vessel 4 buddy-buddy poffin 1 lost vacuum 1 heavy ball 1 great ball 1 super rod 2 bosses orders 2 explorers guidance 1 lacey 4 professors research 2…
Topic voice feedback deleting
Deleting my topic about the let's bring Gambling back to kids with gotcha topic is avoiding my rights of freedom of speech by US law an feedback to game to and my opinion Pokemon Unite I can definitely call up Nintendo support up an share my feedback to my rights of opinions. I can definitely get Nintendo involved if you…
Volo or Lance?
Just curious. Who do you think is better
ebt promo came damaged
my damaged etb Charmander card from obsidian flames came damaged. is there anything i can do about this?