I have Articuno EX, Yanmega Ex, Pachirisu EX, Celebi EX, Gallade Ex to offer Friend code is 0015177552564309
Cynthia Does not work on new Garchomp
Tested in match against bots and player, when the new Fighting Type Garchomp is in the active zone, it does not receive the +50 bonus from Cynthia's support card. Dragon Type Garchomp still gains boost when tested In same match.
Is Pocket any Good?
The title says it all: is Pokémon TCG Pocket any good? Is it fun, or does it just feel like a money grabber?
AFK problem, only in arceus league
Almost every person I play against is afk and it only started when I joined arceus league. It’s so freaking annoying, I’m just a casual player trying to entertain myself for a little while but I can’t since I barely even get to play anymore. I don’t want to concede the match in case it’s some sort of point farming, it…
Pokemon Horizons Episode Count
So I was wondering how many episodes are in this anime series? I already notice that Pokemon Horizons is already nearing its end.
Early Journey Together preview (Part 3): N's Zoroark ex
Like Iono's Bellibolt ex and Lillie's Clefairy ex, this card was also mentioned in the "Scarlet & Violet—Journey Together" article on Pokemon.com. This card is now available in Japanese. (Note: You are about to preview this card in Japanese.) What do you think about this card? (Note: This card might be translated later in…
Not Franchise safe ideas of Pokemon you have(not designer safe)
I'm subscribing to the philosophy that repressing things is bad. If you have any ideas for a pokemon that can't be made because it infringes infringes on copyright of another franchise feel free to post it here. i'm hoping we get some silly replies. Maybe some budding ideas for fakemon.
Triumphant Light Tickets
I have completed all of the task and only come up with 98 out of the needed 100. Are the more tasks to come?
Switch cart not healing
Several games and several switch cart played now and none are healing. The damage counters will stay on the card. The card when clicked on will read full hp, however, when attacked, any damage counters on the card still count. Making Pikachu EX real hard to play atm.
LF Leafeon and Moltres EX
Hi, I'm looking to trade Leafeon, Moltres, or Yanmega to finish my collections. I can offer Weavile, Garchomp, Mew, or Palkia in exchange.