Why is nothing being done to increase production?
I'm struggling to understand why players, collectors, and fans of Pokémon can't log into the Pokémon center website and purchase the newest expansion, or the one before that, or the one before that, or the one before that...or basically anything. It's the POKÉMON CENTER but there is what 12 TCG items available. And not one…
Trading for four-star Darkrai EX - View List Herein
Willing to part ways with these four stars: Charizard EX Venasaur EX Pikachu EX Gengar EX Wigglytuff EX Machamp EX Celebi EX Weavile EX Yanmega EX * Have a single card of many other EX’s not listed here and may or may not be willing to part with them - inquire if interested. Friend code is 5796249995068382
What Pokémon are you?
I’m Hoopa
Do you watch the Twitch live streams on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
I'm super hyped about them so I was wondering who else :)
Australian distribution and stock
TPC really needs to sort this out. Pokemon TCG is the only card game to have no stock anywhere in the country. Literally only the secondhand (scalper) market has stock. This doesn't happen to Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic, both arguably just as big in Australia, or any other tcg. Not only that, but why the hell doesn't Aus (and NZ)…
Scalpers have ruined the game for me
Ever since Prismatic Evolutions came out it was a near impossible task to get my hands on packs from the expansion. I did get some and I had some decent pulls but I paid more for it than most because some stores increased the prices in order to combat scalpers or so they say but I know better. And then there’s the elusive…
Need to trade
I am looking for Starmie EX and Wigglytuff EX
LF Mew ,Diagla Ex
trading Archnine ex articuno ex Machamp ex Marowak ex Leafeon ex Glaceon ex
Looking for:
2 glaceon ex 2 leafeon ex 2 erika support trannier have blastoide ex, zaptos ex, mismagus ex, dialga ex, probopass ex