Prompted to choose first/second before coin flip
Queued up a Ranked match, and I was asked to choose my turn before the coin flip was called. Opponent calls it and sure enough loses the coin flip, the decision does not pop up again.
Early Journey Together Preview (Part 4): Hop's Zacian ex
Like in the previous parts, this card was also mentioned in the "Scarlet & Violet—Journey Together" article on Pokemon.com. This card is now available in Japanese. What do you think about this card? (Note: This card might be translated later in the Comments.) ============================== Sources: See my part 1, which may…
Any one out there
Does anyone use this anymore because everytime I'm on here no one is online
Scalpers have ruined the game for me
Ever since Prismatic Evolutions came out it was a near impossible task to get my hands on packs from the expansion. I did get some and I had some decent pulls but I paid more for it than most because some stores increased the prices in order to combat scalpers or so they say but I know better. And then there’s the elusive…
Card Trading Pokemon TCG Pocket
Need Butterfree ◇◇◇ #007 Gloom ◇◇ #012 Vileplume ◇◇◇ #013 Victreebel ◇◇◇ #020 Exeggutor ◇◇◇ #022Skiddo ◇ #031 Charizard ex ◇◇◇◇ #036 Wartortle ◇◇ #054 Poliwhirl ◇◇ #060 Poliwrath ◇◇◇ #061 Horsea ◇ #070 Ducklett ◇ #085 Swanna◇◇ #086 Greninja ◇◇◇ #089 Raichu ◇◇◇ #095 Pikachu ex ◇◇◇◇ #096 Jolteon ◇◇◇#102 Zapdos ◇◇◇ #103…
Malmars ability
So i had a shiny malmar for ages but i recently foun out how broken it is contrary flips stat changes so -attack is actually +attack and vice versa malmar naturally learns superpower so a 120 base power tera fighting that adds attack and defense each time used is broken this pokemon has a lot of unised potential
I made a Hydrapple EX deck!
please check it out! Pokémon: 21 3 Applin TWM 185 3 Dipplin TWM 170 3 Hydrapple ex SCR 167 3 Charmander PAF 7 2 Charmeleon PAF 8 2 Charizard ex PAF 54 3 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex PRE 12 1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6 1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 38 Trainer: 23 3 Crispin PRE 105 2 Boss's Orders PAL 172 2 Iono PAF 80 2 Professor's Research PRE 122 3…
Fed up with trading at this point
We all knew as soon as this feature released that it sucked, but after using it for awhile now, I have to say that the depth and breadth at which it sucks cannot be understated. Before I begin; I am willing to acknowledge that this game has been very generous up to this point. The fact that I have only spent $20 on this…
Alolan Exeggutor ex is bugged
Alolan Exeggutor ex's first attack, Tropical Frenzy, works properly if you have Basic Energy in your hand to attach. However, the attack does not work properly if you do not have Basic Energy in your hand to attach. The game will state that there are no valid cards to attach (which is correct), and it will ask you to hit a…
Switch cart not healing
Several games and several switch cart played now and none are healing. The damage counters will stay on the card. The card when clicked on will read full hp, however, when attacked, any damage counters on the card still count. Making Pikachu EX real hard to play atm.