I need a Probopass EX to get all Triumphant Light diamond cards Name your card and I’ll see if I have a duplicate of anything EX or under
Need a Weavile ex
looking for a weavile ex. I can offer dialga, articuno, marowak, pachirisu, mismagius, lickilicky, blastoise, mew, and yanmega EXs. Friend id: 7401353921821091
Go, PTCGL dev team! This time, let’s keep those major bugs out!
PTCGL is about to roll out its biggest update ever, packed with tons of new content. Please, no critical bugs in the economy system—one more major economy bug could completely break the game. And no game-breaking match issues either. Here’s hoping the update goes smoothly and the game keeps getting better!
I Love The Game/Hate How People Play
I'm a bit late to the TCGLive App but I've been playing for a few months now and it just feels like no one tries building anything on their own anymore and it's making the game more annoying than anything. I have three decks and have built them based off how I like to play and through trial and error. But it seems to be…
The game keeps freezing during matches. I have to restart the game everytime an it happens to often. Costs me the match an its just annoying. Does this happen to anyone else.
Dragonite And The Postman
Has anyone seen this short film yet? It’s beautifully animated and has a wonderful story. It was released for Pokemon Day in Japan this year, but it’s easy enough to follow along without understanding the dialogue.
Coming soon: "Destinated Rivals" expansion
Alert! Team Rocket's Pokémon is coming back in the Destinated Rivals expansion! According to Pokemon.com, this expansion has: Over 240 cards Over 85 Trainer’s Pokémon, including over 45 Team Rocket’s Pokémon More than 15 Pokémon ex More than 20 Trainer cards More than 45 Pokémon and Trainer cards with special illustrations…
Rocky Helmet needed - I can trade nearly every interesting card with you
Can someone trade me a cheap rocky helmet and if so, what do you want for that card? Thank you and my ID: 1682 - 0472 - 8852 - 2575
Annoying Countdown
Anyone else annoyed that the countdown for special missions was at “1 day” for a whole day then once it ticked over started another 24 hour countdown. Anyone else or am I just trippin?
Trade? (sts)
LF: 1Star: Shinx, Shaymin, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Heatran FT: 1Star: Regigigas,Bulbasaur,Gyarados,Electrode,Slowpoke,Cubone, Nidoqueen, Nidoking,Golbat, Pidgeot, Meowth, Ditto,Porygon,Exeggcutor Serperior, Salandit, Vaporeon, Dedenne,Marshadow FC is 9763954647623302 (Trakaclip)