If Pokémons existed and you could only choose one, who would you choose?
If I had to choose one, it would be Delphox, what about you guys?
How do I get more special coaches in the DLC?
I only have the gym leaders. I tried inviting every one of them but it didn't unlock anything new and the BP contribution thing doesn't have an "unlock new coaches" thing.
If you where a gym leader, what pokemon would you use and what would your gym be like?
I'd be a fairy type trainer fought fifth or sixth game. My team consists of Dedenne, Tinkaton, Sylveon (Ace) This is what i'd look like. She's a game dev who mostly works with fantasy stuff (would fantasy be a popular genre in a world with magical animals??). The vibe i was going for was "would show up in her pyjamas if…
Why does this board place PLA outside the main games when Game Freak lists it as part of them?
Seems an odd conflict to have.
Design Your Own Postgame Battle Facility
So, imagine you owned a Battle Facility in Pokemon, sort of like those in the Battle Frontier. What would it look like, and what kind of rules would you enact? Let me start. My facility is known as the Duelist's Hill. It's located in a large castle-like structure in Paldea. Rules are that each participating Trainer can…
Does anyone else have a hard time with the Ghost Type gym in Violet?
I have been stuck in the Ghost Type Gym for a month and can't beat the Gym Leader with level 50 Pokémon no matter what combo plan I have. It is annoying to the point I want to delete the current game and start over with a different starter Pokémon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Is anyone else struggling with the PSS/Festival Plaza in Gen 6/7?
For some reason, the gen 6 and 7 games are having a weird glitch where, when you go to the PSS/Festival Plaza, you can trade with passersby and access the GTS, but when you try to trade with a friend registered on your device, they never appear online, even when both of you are successfully connected to the wifi in-game?
Bracket #1 Match #21, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Those 2 random new Pokemon -Hydrapplin Line -Archauldon Line Bland choices indeed
Bracket #2 Match #2, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
The cute bois -Clodsire Line -Tatsugiri Choooooose the Pokemon!
card codes
do I get codes for online play sent to me as soon as I purchase them from the pokemon store online?