If you where a gym leader, what pokemon would you use and what would your gym be like?

I'd be a fairy type trainer fought fifth or sixth game. My team consists of Dedenne, Tinkaton, Sylveon (Ace)
This is what i'd look like. She's a game dev who mostly works with fantasy stuff (would fantasy be a popular genre in a world with magical animals??). The vibe i was going for was "would show up in her pyjamas if she could"
I imagine her gym has 3 rooms prior to the gym leader room, each that has an arcade cabinet that has a minigame on it (it's a score x amount of points in 30 seconds type of minigame and each time you do it it gets harder) also before you do the minigame you have to fight a trainer that's standing in front of the machine.
So what do you think and what would your gym be like?
I'd be a fire type gym leader. My ace would be a Houndour/Houndoom depending on when I'm fought (I'm still thinking about that).
If 1st (Lv. 10-14): Numel, Houndour
If 2nd (Lv. 15-24): Numel, Vulpix, Houndour
If 3rd (Lv. 20-29): Numel, Growlithe, Houndoom
If 4th (Lv. 25-34): Ninetales, Arcanine, Houndoom
If 5th (Lv. 30-39): Camerupt, Ninetales, Arcanine, Houndoom
If 6th (Lv. 35-44): Scovillain, Camerupt, Ninetales, Houndoom
If 7th (Lv. 40-49): Scovillain, Camerupt, Arcanine, Houndoom
If 8th (Lv. 45-54): Scovillain, Camerupt, Ninetales, Arcanine, Houndoom
The gym itself would be sort of steampunk/industrial, with steam-powered platforms that move or turn and can be activated by fueling furnaces or opening valves or something similar.
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I'd be a fire type gym leader. My ace would be a Houndour/Houndoom depending on when I'm fought (I'm still thinking about that).
If 1st (Lv. 10-14): Numel, Houndour
If 2nd (Lv. 15-24): Numel, Vulpix, Houndour
If 3rd (Lv. 20-29): Numel, Growlithe, Houndoom
If 4th (Lv. 25-34): Ninetales, Arcanine, Houndoom
If 5th (Lv. 30-39): Camerupt, Ninetales, Arcanine, Houndoom
If 6th (Lv. 35-44): Scovillain, Camerupt, Ninetales, Houndoom
If 7th (Lv. 40-49): Scovillain, Camerupt, Arcanine, Houndoom
If 8th (Lv. 45-54): Scovillain, Camerupt, Ninetales, Arcanine, Houndoom
The gym itself would be sort of steampunk/industrial, with steam-powered platforms that move or turn and can be activated by fueling furnaces or opening valves or something similar.
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Sorry for the duplicate, it takes forever for comments to be approved.
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@10types So an electric type gym. What’s the gym challenge going to be like?
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Rather like to be an Elite Four so can have a more mixed/full team.
Love the duality Pokémon that have opposite dual types, like Volcanion's fire/water typing.
Scovillain, Darmanitan, Lanturn, Ludicolo, Volcanion*
However, if not the elite four, then gym would be the same, but just separated into water or fire based.
Scovillain, Darmanitan, Volcanion* or Lanturn, Ludicolo, Volcanion*
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@puplover1118 what's a gym challenge?
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wait what? a mythical pokemon in a gym leader/elite four member's team? lol would that even be fair?
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@10types The thing you do before challenging the gym leader
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I would be a dark type gym leader. I would be the 4th or 5th gym, and my team would be Umbreon, Sableye, and Weavile (Ace).
My gym would be an escape room, with a series of clues hidden throughout the gym (which is made to look like a child's bedroom) that lead to the exit. After escaping the room, they would battle me.
The reward for beating my gym would be the Hidden Badge and the TM for Thief.