*SIP* Happy New Years.
May you come across some Shiny Pokemon this year. Hopefully you go and finish the DLC spoiler-less this year too. That's all that I want to say.
It is alright to write feedback?
Hello. I like Pokémon X & Y, now that the game is 10 years old I'm quite curious if the Fairy Feather will eventually show up in a sequel. Anyway, I would love to see more about the inverse battle and character customizations. Have a good day !
Your Grass Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were a water type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of Victreebel, Cradily, Torterra, Dipplin or Hydrapple, Cacturne, and Chesaught. The gym would be a Greenhouse and you will have to answer questions about grass type pokemon. Each time you answer a question…
Broken Raids Violet
This DLC event raid for Iron Leaves is another example of what I consider a broken raid. I have tried multiple times online and offline with various different pokemon to catch it. The same went for Dialga. No matter what I did, they could not be caught. The timer would make random jumps down and seemingly time out the raid…
Bracket #1 Match #11, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
So, I tried to even out everything, so this one has 6 members to vote for. Might be pretentious, but I need to know the best paradoxes as well. -Iron Bundle -Iron Hands -Iron Jugilis -Iron Valiant -Iron Treads -Iron Moth -Iron Thorns We'll only know the answer to this in the future...
What are your favorite Pokémon? (updated)
My favorite Pokémon are: Vulpix(I like both forms, the Alola one and the classic Kanto one), Bulbasaur, Oshawott, Fuecoco, Hoothoot, Shinx, Fennekin, Greavard, Zorua and Ogerpon
If you woke up one day, and you're suddenly in the Pokemon world...
...which region AND city would you like to start in? ...which Pokemon would you like to be your very first partner? I'd probably go for Blackthorn City, and I'd love to (somehow) get myself a Dratini. Plus, if the summers get too warm, I could probably chill out in the Ice Path nearby haha Pictured: a dratini being held up…
Bracket #1 Match #12, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Time for the second half of the competition! Starting us off, we have the Pokemon that evolve from things with faces. These two (#12 & #13) will have 4 members. -Gagarnacl Line -Wugtrio Line -Brambleghast Line -Glimmora Line :|
Bracket #1 Match #14, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Now we have the guys who could kill you. -Cetitan Line -Cyclizar -Baxcaibur Line -Paldean Tauros (all forms) They said they'd kill me if you don't vote.
Generation 7 Pokemon
This gen was very interesting. They brought many new types of pokemon; the ultra beasts, regonal variants, and 4 new mythicals. Some of my favorites from the gen are kartana, stakataka, magearna, tapu bulu, minior, kommo-o, and necrozma.