Bracket #1 Match #19, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
The Random Legendaries of Evil (?) -Chien Pao (Ice Leopard) -Ting Lu (Dirt Deer) -Wo Chien (Grass Snail) -Chi Yu (Fire Fish)
Bracket #1 Match #22, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Past Paradox Legends -Gouging Fire -Walking Wake -Raging Bolt I swear these names are...
(Spoilers) what happens to professor Sada
I just finished the quest that tells what happened to Turo and I was wondering what had happended to Sada in Scarlet. What had happened to Turo was, for me, a really good surprise that I that I didn't see coming till the end.
How Did the Loyal Three Come Back to Life?
In the Teal Mask DLC, the Loyal Three, who were thought to have been dead for hundreds of years, come back to life. The story does not explain exactly how this happened. My guess is that the dormant energy in the Teal Mask resurrected the Loyal Three when their remains came into contact with it. That's just my idea, I…
Similarities between Arceus and Terapagos
I think Arceus and Terapagos are similar in some way, like, they both somehow have access to all Pokémon types, both are very strong, and also, the battle with them is very difficult, I liked these similarities, I really hope to know the origin of Terapagos now
Bracket #1 Match #18, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Now we got the past Paradoxes -Flutter Mane -Scream Tail -Sandy Shocks -Great Tusk -Roaring Moon -Slither Wing -Brute Bonnet
Bracket #1 Match #24, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Final match of Bracket #1 -Terapagos -Pecharunt (This may go on past the new year, but bear with me).
Bracket #1 Match #7, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
This one has some water boys, and may be a little unbalanced. -Palafin Line -Dondozo -Veluza This one may be an easy win, but I'll let yall decide.
About Pokemon with Weird Typings
Pokemon has a lot of Pokemon with typings that seem about as good as taking a crutch from someone with a broken leg. For example, why isn't Falinks a Steel-Fighting type?! It wears armor, has two little shields, and the leader Falink (is that what one of the little guys are called) is literally called "The BRASS"!! It…
Tell me your: First Pokémon game, Favorite Starter, Favorite type, and favorite legendary.
Mine: Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team Squirtle Water, Mew