What trash does Burmy/Wormadam Trash Cloak use in order to make said cloak?
Something tells me that the dust is stardust, but the 'refuse' that it talks about in the Pokedexes doesn't seem to be specified. Plus, how does a Burmy even hold on?
Toxtricity Potential Buffs for Viability in Gen 9 and future gens
Toxtricity’s lack of bulk/speed and use of multi-target moves makes him a one-hit glass cannon that doesn’t even do its job properly, his better non/and STAB moves can be easily taken just switching in a Ghost/Ground/Steel type pokemon to take no damage and that doesn’t even consider other type’s resistances. The lack of…
Why are most fossil Pokémon unavailable in Scarlet and Violet as of Indigo Disk update?
Other than the Cranidos and Shieldon evolutionary lines for the only fossil Pokémon available alive in the Blueberry Academy wilds without the players needs a Skull or Armor Fossils, why you think that most of the other fossil Pokémon are absolutely unavailable in and untransferable to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet past this…
I just realize.
That Xerneas and Yveltal are the only mascot legendaries who are not transferable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Also the Fairy Gem is not obtainable in any Pokémon games, and to this day I have no idea why.
How much time has passed between BW2 and The Indigo Disk
I was thinking about this and I kind of thought about it for a bit. What I first thought was between 11 and 12 years since that's how much time has passed in the real world, yet the new characters seem to be much older than that despite never appearing or even being mentioned in BW or BW2. If I had to guess, 16 years is…
Generation 9 Pokemon
OK, for this generation I have to say I was unimpressed. There were lots of mediocre pokemon imo. but there were a few great ones that came out. Some of my favorites from this gen include raging bolt, garganacl, hydrapple, ting-lu, chien-pao, orthworm, iron thorns, iron bundle, walking wake, rabasca, sandy shocks,…
Bracket #2 Match #1, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
I'm putting these matchups together to be hard! Dog vs Cat -Meowscarada Line -Mabostiff Line
Bracket #1 Match #23, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Future Paradox Legendaries -Iron Crown -Iron Leaves -Iron Boulder Iron Boulder is built... different.
which urshifu should I get for the isle of armor dlc?
Thoughts on the Indigo Disk? (spoilers)
What are your overall thoughts on the second part of the DLC now that it's out? I personally enjoyed it- battling the Elite Four was hard but really fun and being able to experience more double battles was great. Kieran's arc resolution was also pretty good (I'm starting to think he has something of an inferiority complex…