SV DLC Legendries
I was wondering what legendries were in the SV DLC.
Pokemon SwSh or SV DLC
I'm thinking about getting one of the dlc's and I was wondering which one people thought were better.
Your fire type gym and pokemon
If you were a fire type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of arcanine, infernape, emboar, chandelure, incineroar, and skeledirge. The gym would be a fire maze that you have to navigate and along the way there is trainers you have to fight.
What is the most unpopular starter? (Your opinion)
Some starters just get more love then others. In your opinion, what is the most underated starter? Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Cyndiquill, Chickorita, Totodile, Treeco, Torchick, Mudkip, Turtwig, Piplup, Tepig, Snivy, Oshawot, Fenikin, Chespin, Froakie, Litten, Rowlet, Poplio, Grookie, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito,…
Favorite Hidden Mechanics/Dialog
Pokémon has always had insane, or mild, intentional and hidden features and dialogs a zubat of a trainer would miss, but due to years of research we've come to find facts like Masuda Method, though it's not so hidden now. But we've come to learn Pokémon encounters decrease on days of disasters in Diamond, Pearl, and…
Please Join me and lets complete the Snacksworth group quest together.
I have finished all of Snacksworth solo quests, but now he won't give me any more until I complete more group quests, so I have set up a group, with 3 spots left. The link code is CKG435 if you want to join and help me collect the remaining legendary Pokemon, Thanks.
Do you think a Ranger port on mobile would work?
Also no I'm not talking about microtransactions or anything else I mean an actual port of the games as they are. It just feels a shame to not keep these fun games in the zeitgeist considering they would translate quite well to a smartphone.
Has anyone had any issues receiving drops from twitch?
On the 6th of December 2023 I completed all time requirements for the pokemon tcg live drops, and it's the 18th of December 2023 and I've yet to receive them in game, can anyone tell me if the drops just take that long to get to you or what could have possibly been the issue Note: twitch is correctly linked to pokemon and…
What's the best type?
In your opinion, what is your favorite, or the best type?
Bracket #1 Match #14, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
New Pokemon means more work for me :( Now we take a look back at the new Kitakami Mons -Dipplin -Blood Moon Ursaluna -Poltchageist line Chooooooooose