Favorite Dark Type Pokemon
What is your favorite dark type Pokemon? Mine is Zarude. I wish I had remembered to catch one during the Sword and Shield events.
If you were an Alola trial captain, what totem Pokémon would you choose?
I would do a totem Arcanine.
Favorite Fossil Pokemon?
What is your favorite fossil pokemon? Mine is Tyrantrum. You can also add what your favorite Past Pokemon is.
Favorite Ice Type
What is your favorite ice type Pokémon? Mine is Glastier.
Favorite Ground Type
What is your favorite ground type Pokémon? Mine is Clodsire.
Pokémon Hot Takes
I want to stir up something here, but give me your Pokémon hot takes, I prefer ones related to the pokémon than the actual games IMO, almost all of the popular pokémon are overrated. I want to share some Pokémon I think look better in my opinion rather than a more popular and well-liked Pokémon of the same type Primarina>…
Crystal Pool post credits scene (MASSIVE spoilers)
I'm not kidding about the spoilers y'all so if you don't want to see any then back out now. Also there's a chance that everything I say could be either confirmed or negated by the epilogue in a few days but eh. big spoilers plz pay attention OK SO! Unless the epilogue has some part where either we or, somehow, the AI, go…
I have a name for the epilogue
Penny Arven Nemona Carmine and Kieran Epilogue I hereby name this epilogue and this group of characters "Pancake."
Unburden was not Activating
I am competing in the blueberry prologue and there have been multiple instances where my Sceptile with unburden has not been working. I'm using shed tail with a sitrus berry. Later in the match when I bring Sceptile back into battle the opposing pokemon still outsped Sceptile despite the held item being gone and the…
Is the Pokémon Pecharunt a Legendary Pokémon or a Mythical Pokémon?
I'm loving part 2 of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC, and one of the new Pokémon, Pecharunt, really caught my attention, I wanted to know if it's a legendary Pokémon or a Mythical Pokémon