Do you play Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire? If so, which starter pokemon of Hoenn d
Which Pokémon do you think is overhated?
Tbh I'll go with Quilladin :(
Fav Shiny
Mine is Umbreon, I just love its colors :] What's yours?
Do you play the Hoenn games? If so, which Hoenn starter did you pick?
Pikachu Talk: Pokemon Forums
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a combee should be able to fly.
It's wings are too small to get its body off the ground. The combee, of course, flies anyway, because pokemon don't care what humans think is impossible.
Pokédex Entries
Rhyhorn is strong, but not too bright 💪 Rhydon can punch through boulders with its horn 💥
Pokemony po polsku
Do wszystkich polskich graczy Pokémon: kto z was chciałby wreszcie chciałby dostać do gier polską wersję językową?
Weird idea I had, but...
Months ago, I had an idea for a story that's a bit more fantasy-inpsired. Pokémon are summoned from special weapons, Wulfric is the "main" playable character etc., the region is mostly snow & tundra etc. Idk. What do you all think?
All of my cards from PTCGO Are not appearing in TCG Live.
So, I went back to PTCGO and when I tried to login, it said its shutdown, and I realized they moved to a new game, so I tried logging in the live, then it said "Migrate all cards from PTCGO" So I clicked that, then I was taken through the tutorial, and all of my cards were there, and during the tutorial, one of the buttons…