New Shop Line-Ups Triumphant Light
I like the second bundle as value. It allows me to get binder, display board, and coin. Seems like a total win if you can give up the larger present. I've liked to bring joy into other people's games and the passive shop tickets without needing to battle fits the playstyle of a collecting card game. What do you think?
New Set: Triumphant Light
This seems to have gotten buried under the Z-A news, and this forum remains inundated with trading posts until they make a specific forum for it... (Who am I kidding. You'll all still post here anyway.) But there is a new set coming out today. Triumphant Light. It looks to be something similar to the Mythical Island…
Trading for a Gyarados EX
i have a Mew, Aerodactyl, Exeggutor, and Machamp to offer for Gyarados id 7840933056818071 SCC
Looking to finish my dex
Looking for Articuno ex, Zapdos ex or Dragonite I have Exeggutor ex, Blastoise ex, Starmie ex Gengar ex, Mewtwo ex, Wigglytuff ex and maybe anything that people need if I have more then one. My code is 3609690757872979
Trading cards
I need a butterfly who is up to for trading at tcg pocket? My ID is 0977886474483683
New friends
Looking for new trading friends, been playing since the game dropped and I have a big collection :) 6212049012396725
Need a gardevoir and a muk 🔸🔸🔸
These two cards are the only ones i need to complete my genetic apex collection. I have too many 3🔸 cards so feel free to ask if there’s anything y’all want. I don’t have magnezone nor magneton 🥲
Trade for Moltres EX
Need Moltres EX Can Give: Mewtwo ex, Venusaur EX, Celebi EX Friend ID 2003539133322638
LF: Kadabra and Chansey
Looking for Kadabra and Chansey 2 diamonds GA. Let me know what you need. I have most 2D cards. Thank you.
Looking for Exeggutor EX and Celebi Rainbow EX
Looking for Exeggutor Rainbow border EX and Celebi rainbow border EX, I have special animation charizard EX, pikachu EX, celebi EX, dialga EX, rainbow zapdos EX, full art Brock, Volkner, and many many more.