Trading System is Bad
The existing trading system is bad. It should be a self-contained system, rather than posting what you actually want on a forum. It's so bad that my 5-year old gave me a speech on how terrible it is. The fixes are easy: * trade screen → allow marking of cards you are willing to trade * trade screen → a search function…
does anyone have the new lucario i cant find it for the life of me jst lmk what you need for it
Need magenton 3 star
hello I am seeking a magenton 3 star. I can offer a couple of 3 star Pokémon cards.
Looking for Magneton
Looking for Ability Magneton, I can offer many cards, ask me 2345382203560573
Kubuto plz
Can anyone plz help me out with a trade for a Kubuto? Will trade anything equal or higher as long as I have it.
In need of 3 more cards to complete Genetic Apex
I'm in need of: #083 3 diamonds Articuno #117 3 diamonds Alakazam #122 3 diamonds Gengar I have for trade (all 3 diamonds): Venusaur, Beedril, Victreebel, Charizard, Arcanine, Greninja, Raichu, Jolteon, Zapdos, Eelektross, Golem & Dragonite. Add with Friend ID: 0375-6550-1216-7049
LF Genetic Apex: Golem!!!
User: MDoodlee FC: 5996341724326312 Looking to finish off Genetic Apex set, let me know what you need and hopefully we can trade :)
LF Beedrill - let me know what you want in return
LF Beedrill - let me know what you want in return
LF Aerodactyl (#210 GA)
Need: Aerodactyl (#210) Can Give: leave comment which 3 star you need
Shop Tickets
I know shop tickets should be a limited resource but there are not that many ways to get tickets besides hoping someone will give you a “thanks” after a battle. I’ve had to do 10+ pvp matches to get my 5 tickets for the day. I think there should be a pve or battle against the computer for a reliable way to max your daily…