Trade request
Currently I want Mythical island 14 Volcarona Genetic apex 226 Lt surge 203 Kangaskhan 148 Graveler 125 Hypno 117 Alakazam 104 Zapdos Ex 82 Omastar 80 Vaporeon 45 Flareon 35 Charizard 22 Exeggutor 20 Victorybel 30 Vileplume 07 Butterfree For genetic apex 104 Zapdos Ex I could trade Genetic apex 04 Venausaur ex 056…
Lf Gengar EXs
what i have: Mismagius EX Aerodactyl EX Marowak EX Arcanine EX (Im new to the game apologies if im not good with values and stuff tips will help) Friend Id: 5357515008003597
Mythical island trade
Want to trade for 14- Volcarona 59- Pidgeot ex Let me know what you want in return and may be we could trade on tcg Friend id :1014311031073613
Have Palkia Ex, need Darkrai Ex
Will trade palkia ex for darkrai ex
Need Articuno EX
I have to trade Mew ex Gengar ex Starmie ex Moltres ex Charizard ex Machamp ex Aerodactyl ex Friend ID 5480534232599401
Gyarados Needed!
I need a gyarados (#078) from the genetic apex packs to finish my collection for the immersive mew. I have extra victreebel, flareon, vaporeon, raichu, alakazam, snorlax, serperior, volcarona, tauros, shaymin, magmortar, garchomp, regigigas, heatran, mesprit, dusknoir, and electivire to offer for the 3 diamond category. If…
Trades wanted
Looking for; Torterra no.12 Carnivine no. 19 Magmorta no. 24 Prinplup no 36 Empolean no. 37 Cresilia no. 079 Darkrai no. 109 Porygon 2 no 129 I have the following and some other I can trade for; Space and time Garchomp no. 123 Bastidon no. 114 Rampardos no. 89 Mythical island Marshadow no. 047 Mew no. 031 Raichu no. 026…
WTT for a Yanmega EX
Please contact me for possible trade for a Yanmega EX. Friend ID: 0721224933628787
Trade for 1 Star Bidoof or 1 Star Rotom
I need above 1 stars from Spacetime Smackdown, can offer many in return, let me know what you need.
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