Hey everyone!! Can anyone plz trade me a Kabuto? I will give u any card u want game will allow cause I pretty much have every card of this rarity. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Want: Articuno Ex (2 star or 4 diamond) Have: Wigglytuff Ex (2 star) Aerodactyl Ex Infernape Ex Lickilicky Ex Gengar Ex Venusaur Ex (4 diamond) Charizard Ex Blastoise Ex Gengar Ex Marowak Ex Mew Ex Aerodactl Ex Darkrai Ex Pidgeot Ex Lickilicky Ex
15 binders with 30 card space each is too little
I Need a Magneton ask me for any other 3D card 1045426912908055
I can offer: Dragonite Gyarados Jolteon Tauros#60 Marshadow Dusknoir Regigigas My id is: 2153515685857388
Have various 4 diamond Ft: Arcanine ex Blastoise ex Mewtwo ex Zapdos ex Palkia Ex Licklicky Ex 6305263111462288
UPDATE: no longer need either, thanks
please make an offer
I was looking at the meta decks and saw that the two best have more than 20 cards and more than 2 of some why?