Many EX cards for trade!
I'm willing to trade the following EX pokemon: pikachu, charizard, exeggcutor, arcanine, zapdos, moltress, mewtwo, mew, marowak, gyarados, dialga, yanmega I'm looking for palkia, darkrai, weavile, infernape, and starmie
How would you rate the trading system? (Sentiment Gauge)
I am seeing a lot of complaints about the new trading system that was released so I think we need to voice our opinions on whether it should be changed or if it should stay the way it is. Rate the current trading system 1 through 10. 10 being perfect 1 being trash
Trade me! LF: Muk and Articuno EX!!
Hi there! Need the following cards: Frogadier #88 (DONE) Flareon #45 (DONE) / Vaporeon #80 (DONE) / Muk# 175 / Pidgeot #188 (DONE) / Nidoking #171 / Kabutops #159 (DONE) / Elektross #109 (DONE) Articuno EX #84 / Zapdos EX #104 HMU on what cards u need
i posted this about a minute after the trading post came up for me and i’m not sure how to delete discussions. i hope anyone who reads this has a nice day
LF Weavile EX
Can offer Gyrados EX Arcanine EX Marowak EX Friend code 8551025553885337
Need Weavile EX
have celebi EX, aerodactyl Ex, infernal EX, mismagius Ex Friend code: 6568663247840783
Trade Requests
ID: 7570-7099-0753-7510 LOOKING FOR: MAGNETON (WITH ABILITY) YAMEGA EX (FULL ART OR NORMAL) WEAVILE EX (FULL ART OR NORMAL) DARKRAI EX (FULL ART) FOR TRADE: I have a ton of cards. I put them all into binders. E EX CARDS: Infernape, Pidgeot, Celebi, Gengar, Arcanine, Balstoise, Starmie, Wigglytuff, Pachirisu, Pikachu Full…
I am looking for Magneton (old version), I have following to give:
Sorry I am playing in german: Giflor, Arkani, Quajutsu (Greninja?), Blitza, Zapplarang, Simsala, Machomai, Serpiroyal, Ramoth, Aquana, Raichu, Charizard I hope you understand the german names of the Pokemons.
1-3 diamond cards needed - All Genetic Apex
I've "functionally completed" Mystical Island now (2 of every card, functionally speaking. For instance, I have 1 regular Gyarados and one full-art Gyarados. But functionally, I have two of that card) All I need to do the same for Genetic Apex are the following 11 cards: ---Mewtwo Pack (2) Kingler Vaporeon ---Charizard…
I need Starmie EX, MaChamp EX, Gengar EX
I can trade Exeggutor EX, Arcanine EX, Pikachu EX, Marowak EX, Gyrados EX, Mew EX,