Help me complete genetic apex pls
I am looking for Moltres Ex #47 / Vaporeon #80 / Raichu #95 / Gengar Ex #123 / Melmetal #182 / Ditto #205 ID 5294-1435-4009-1807 HMU if u have any of these! I have Exeggutor Ex #23 / Arcanine Ex #41 / Articuno Ex #84 / Zapdos Ex #104
In need of 3 more cards to complete Genetic Apex
I'm in need of: #083 3 diamonds Articuno #117 3 diamonds Alakazam #122 3 diamonds Gengar I have for trade (all 3 diamonds): Venusaur, Beedril, Victreebel, Charizard, Arcanine, Greninja, Raichu, Jolteon, Zapdos, Eelektross, Golem & Dragonite. Add with Friend ID: 0375-6550-1216-7049
Omastar Needed for complete deck
Happy to trade any of the below 3* Mewtwo, Victreebel,charizard,blastoise,gengar,gardevoir,muk,ditto,raichu and many more
Trading! Desperately Need
Looking For Starmie EX Gyarados EX Froakie Can give (among others) Marowak EX Pidgeot EX MewTwo EX Friend ID is 2003539133322638
Need Aerodactyl Ex
Hi guys, i really need the Aerodactyl Ex to complete my deck. Tell me what u need in exchange. Id : 8283 3534 5240 0267
Looking for the following; Genetic Apex Metalman no. 182 Dragonite no. 185 Nidorino no. 170 Kabutops no. 159 Mythical Island Golem no. 045 Can trade for; Venesaur no.3 Butterfree no. 07 Flareon no. 45 Blastoise no. 55 Alakazam no. 117 I you want to set up a trade let me know what you have below.
I need Exxegutor, Greninja, and Vileplume regular rares from the Charazard genetic apex pack. Have every other card will trade anything for these three Code: 6843658145457259
Looking For Darkrai EX
need one more Darkrai EX ? Anyone have an extra willing to trade?
Card trading, TGCPocket dex
Hey fellas, I'm looking for a slick Starmie ex for my dex. I can offer Venusaur ex, Gengar ex, Exeggutor ex or Wiggly ex. Also trading a few 3diamond cards
I'm looking for Charizard EX
In exchange I can give Venusaur EX, Celebi EX or Pidgeot EX. I'm also looking for Hypno or Gyarados. ID 7221254151870593