Need a gardevoir and a muk 🔸🔸🔸
These two cards are the only ones i need to complete my genetic apex collection. I have too many 3🔸 cards so feel free to ask if there’s anything y’all want. I don’t have magnezone nor magneton 🥲
Trade for Moltres EX
Need Moltres EX Can Give: Mewtwo ex, Venusaur EX, Celebi EX Friend ID 2003539133322638
LF: Kadabra and Chansey
Looking for Kadabra and Chansey 2 diamonds GA. Let me know what you need. I have most 2D cards. Thank you.
Looking for Exeggutor EX and Celebi Rainbow EX
Looking for Exeggutor Rainbow border EX and Celebi rainbow border EX, I have special animation charizard EX, pikachu EX, celebi EX, dialga EX, rainbow zapdos EX, full art Brock, Volkner, and many many more.
add me I accept all friend requests 5902452756092883
Looking for Zapdos ex
Looking to trade for Zapdos ex, have Weavile ex I can trade or let me know what you’re looking for.
Trade looking for Eevee Art
Hello, I m looking for Blastoise,Exeggutor,Moltres Machamp ex And Eevee art My friend ID is 0311150601333800
Looking for Vaporeon (Genetic Apex)
hi everyone, i’m looking for a Vaporeon from Genetic Apex expansion. It’s the only card i don’t have from that expansion so i’ll trade it for whichever card for which i have more than one copy. here is my friend id: 5249945172283842
Looking for the Following Cards 4 Diamond Garados, Marowak, Articuno and Blastoise EX, the Ex I have for trade are Starmie x3, Pikachu x1 ,Arcanine x2 ,Mew, Lickilicky x2 3 Diamond just ask please gotta lotta vaporeon thats for sure !
Trainer code