Trading in tcgp
The trade token currency is really bad. Now we have to choose between burning our rare cards for trade fuel, or being able to flair, or special shop tokens? You could have done so great with this and it is SO BAD.
BUG: Mew Genome hacking Vs Palkia Dimensional Storm.
When i use mew's attack "Genome Hacking" on Palkia to copy the "Dimensional storm" of Palkia, Mew copy every effect of the attack: -I deal 150 dmg to my opponent -Every benched pokemon take -20 HP... BUT mew doesn't discard 3 energy ! ! ! It should since it doesn't specify a type of energy. Mew should loose 3 energy to use…
Card missing after trading
Somehow I was able to trade my cards and all of them disappeared. I traded one of my Froakie, and I had three I'm pretty sure, which is why I was able to trade it. But now, it shows I have none. You can see here in my deck I still have the card, but it's showing as not obtained and greyed out. There is no way you can…
Bug: Space time smackdown emblem event
I encountered bug during this event match. Wins does not count for the trophy completion. I won a match and it showed the win progression for the emblem correctly. After the match, you can see the progress on the left side and it did not register. I played another match and won again. The progression after the match was…
Yo, I was playing my venusaur ex deck vs marowswine and i saw, that marowsine passive is working vs grass type too. Looks like a bug.
Possible Bug with Togekiss' Overdrive Smash
Hello! I'm here to report what might be a bug with Togekiss' Overdrive Smash. The attack does 60 damage and then, on the next turn, that Togekiss' Overdrive Smash will do 120 damage. But, in a game I played earlier, my Togekiss that used Overdrive Smash on my previous turn got forced out of the Active Spot by Sabrina and…
Energy bug
Was playing an online game and on my turn, my energy got stuck on my active pokemon. didn't go to the energy zone. it spawned and got stuck there. it happened two turns in a row. i lost the game the following turn so i don't know if it would have happened again after those 2 turns. if it matters, i was playing a gyarados…
Bug Report - Brazilian-portuguese Translation of certain cards
This is a bug report regarding incorrect details in the Brazilian-Portuguese version of certain cards from the latest sets that I came across during gameplay Arbok (Genetic Apex)'s "Corner" attack is incorrectly translated as "Quina", meaning "the corner of a room", instead of "Encurralar", which means "to corner someone"…
Consistent Android Crashing
Device: Pixel 6 OS: Android 15 The game consistently crashes while in battle and using picture in picture features (ex. Video call in the Discord app, pop out video in YouTube premium). The crash can occur at any point during the battle (idle, attacking, selecting card, attaching energy) and occurs in both solo and online…
Wonderpick Wishlist Suggestion
I have a suggestion regarding wonderpicks and the wishlist. Ive noticed, cards that are marked as a wish appear with an extra symbol in the wonderpicks. I would wish for an option that, when enabled, as soon as a wish appears in your wonderpicks, you would get a notification on your phone that a wish is available in…