Pokedex bug after trading
I traded a Hippowdon card (from space-time smackdown) that I only had one of, and it appears strangely in my Pokedex and in Wonder Trades now. I still have 0 of that card, but the card is visible in the main Pokedex screen (when the toggle is on to sort by pack/set). It also has a little pokedex icon on it in Wonder…
More decks and allow reordering decks
The 15-deck limit becomes highly restrictive after Triumphant Light, and will be more restrictive after each expansion. Allowing rearranging decks can be helpful.
Rapids hitting weakness incorrectly
just had a game where my rapidash only dealt +10 damage to grass types instead of +20
Triumphant Light Shaymin Passive Not Consistent
Anyone else’s Shaymin Passive Ability of reducing an energy to retreat not working on some pokemon mid game? Always works on the first pokemon I use it on but often stops fails to reduce energy needed on other pokemon later in the game
BUG: A2a Raichu ability not working against A2a Crobat
A2a Raichu ability: Resilience Link: If you have Arceus or Arceus EX in play, this Pokémon takes -30 damage from attacks. A2a Crobat ability: Cunning Link: Once during your turn, if you have Arceus or Arceus EX in play, you may do 30 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon. Raichu should not take damage from Crobat's…
More Deck Slots
I posted in general discussion as well, but this is some feedback I feel strongly about. Can we please get more deck slots? 15 is so limiting and I have to keep deleting decks I like to make room for new ideas. It cannot be that difficult to increase the deck slot count. Just make it 99 and be done with it I say!
We should be able to trash/delete unwanted cards
We should have the possibility to delete (or convert into points) cards whenever we want, even if it means we could remain with 0 cards of the same type. This could also be useful in cases where you get a card in an unwanted language and want to remove it. It is a simple functionality that already exists in pokemon go.…
A suggestion from a fan!
Hi! People from the Pokemon tcg pocket, I would like to first thank you for making the game thats making my working student experience a bit more manageable. I absolutely love pocket which is why I would like to share my thoughts on some of the issues I see in the game at the moment and a personal suggestion for…
Balance issues...
Arceus and Dialga decks are too strong. There is very little counter play to defeat them as they are massive tanks and Dialga has the ability to give energy to your benched pokemon. There is very little incentive to play any other deck and the only one that could possibly beat them is another big EX deck which is a grass…
Why does tcg pocket insist on PMO
everytime i get my four winning streak they give me the sweatiest opponent possible like it happened 4times already im really starting to dislike this game