(Bug) Cynthia does not work on new Garchomp
I used Cynthia on the turn I was about to attack a full HP Darkrai, I did 100 damage instead of the expected 150
Bug related to cards shown in wonderpick
I've found a bug when seeing a card details in the wonderpick section. All the cards independently of the language shown in the actual card, shown me the card info in a mix of japanese and spanish. It happens with all the packs shown in wonderpick. I use the Android app in Spanish.
Some QOL feedback
Hi, loving the game so far. Would like to give some QOL update suggestions. 1) Allow us to exchange multiple pack/wonder hourglasses at once. Its a hassle to claim them 1 by 1, both the singles and the x6. 2) Allow us to claim and open multiple promo packs solo battle rewards together at once instead of doing them one by…
Increase saved deck limit
Hi, thank you for the game. Please could you increase the saved deck limit. It's currently 15, but with 9 different types, a need for strong and up to 3◇ decks, plus the new no trainer challenges and a couple of PvP decks I'd say we need at least 25 slots. Thanks 😊
Trading currency
I just started playing and am enjoying the app but my main gripe is the currency used for trading. I understand putting the timer on it, that's fine. But then the currency itself is overkill. It isn't enough for me to stop playing but I can see it getting annoying enough times that I say "screw it" and uninstall. A change…
AFK problem, only in arceus league
Almost every person I play against is afk and it only started when I joined arceus league. It’s so freaking annoying, I’m just a casual player trying to entertain myself for a little while but I can’t since I barely even get to play anymore. I don’t want to concede the match in case it’s some sort of point farming, it…
Triumphant Light Tickets
I have completed all of the task and only come up with 98 out of the needed 100. Are the more tasks to come?
Filter Cards by Language?
One of my favorite aspects of Pkmn TCG Pocket is collecting foreign cards in all sorts of different languages. The problem is that there is no search, sort, or filter option to find them amongst my thousands of English cards. This makes it really tough to make cool binders, etc, displaying my foreign language cards. What…
Just some good feedback ideas....
Hi! Love the game! Just wanted to make a few suggestions for updates that I think a lot of people would find helpful! Instead of having to click on every name in the friends list and having to scroll down to see if they have a showcase, then having to click"view showcase" and then sending the like... there should be a…
FX suggestion
Hey guys! I love my flair. I mean, ...I LOVE my flair. Really shows off a trainers dedication to their favorite Pokémons in battle. I was hoping to see if flair effects could be added to the attacks as well. It's great to get that second and third evolution off, and show off my flair each time, and every time I move my…