Infernape Twilight Masquerade - Pyro Dance Bug
Pyro Dance is not working properly. When you use the ability, it will let you select the energies you want to use, then it will not let you attach them to the pokemon you want them to be attached to, per the cards rule. It will sit there, completely frozen until the timer runs out and then it auto attaches to the active…
TCG Live is unplayable
The game threw a connection error and then wouldn't let me take my turns, while the opponent could play without issues. This had never happened to me exactly like this before. There have always been bugs, for example, when using Erin, which doesn't allow you to discard the opponent's items, causing losses because of it. In…
Archaludon energy attach bug
Whenever I evolve duraludon into Archaludon I cant attach the energy to my metal type pokemon. I always ends up going on time and auto attaching the active pokemon. Does anyone else have this problem.
Switch Cart Bug
Hi this is my first time posting, not sure where to report potential bugs. Switch cart is healing for 60 not 30. Has anyone else experienced this? And if so has it been addressed already?
Archaludon EX Still Broken??? PLEASE FIX
Hi Mr/Mrs Pokemon, Archaludon EX's ability is still broken and doesn't allow me to attach energies after using Assemble Alloy. This has been this way for over a week. I would like to play this deck more to get better at it, hence why I play PTCGL in the first place. Thanks!
Why does the coin hate me??
You can not tell me that the coin in the game is actually really random… nobody gets as many tails as I do and it be actually random. If it was random, it would be about half the time heads and half the time tails… but it's always tails for me… 99.9% of the time it's tails for me… my opponents always seem to have the best…
Can you put back the penalty for conceding ranked matches?
What the title says. It's extremely frustrating to have an opponent quit immediately after it starts to look like they might loose. There's no value in learning my deck better when this happens. What is the difference between ranked and casual now? What is the point? Pokemon please change this.
Heavy Baton doesn't work normally.
I attached heavy baton on iron hands ex and when it is knocked out and it's time to use the heavy baton, the energies just stay on the iron hands and doesn't let me choose which Pokémon to put the energies on. Furthermore, I can't do anything to get out of that situation, I can't press "done", I only wait till the timer…
Night Stretcher Glitch
A couple of times I've used trainers to pull from the discard and do not get them into my hand or deck. A few minutes ago I used night stretcher to pull a Pokemon from the discard pile and it put it back in the discard pile. The animation showed the card coming out and then going right back in. Unless there is an ability…
Issue with placing damage counters using Dragapult phantom dive attack
Is anyone else having an issue where the game will auto place damage counters on a pokemon that you don't intend to place there. For some reason, the game likes to place the last 2 damage counters at the same time on a Pokemon when I don't intend for that to happen. It has done this in the middle of placing damage counters…