Gamebreaking bugs affecting almost every meta deck archetype
There is an issue caused by the new Click and Place mechanic. Energy acceleration abilities such as Archaludon ex's ability freeze the game and then by default attach their energies to the active metal pokemon. As far as I can see this affects every Pokemon ability that attaches energies from the discard pile (Archaludon…
Festival Grounds Deck Broken
Just played a match against an opponent who was able to use boom boom grove twice while Temple of Sinoh was in play, and was also able to double the attack of their diplin twice without Festival Grounds in play. Super frustrating!
Sylveon Ex Magical Charm
I have a question, by the description of the attack Magical Charm, Sylveon gets -100 dmg from attacks of the opponents pokemon? What happens when the opponents pokemon is knoctked-out and a new pokemon comes into play? Shouldnt Sylveon effect by applyed as well to the new opponent? because by knocking out an opponent the…
Croconaw bite
When Croconaw uses the Bite attack, the defending Pokémon can still retreat
Bug: Unable to Attach Retrieved Energy Cards to Pokémon
I noticed a bug when playing with Archaludon: after selecting the two Energy cards, I can no longer distribute them to the Pokémon I want. This issue appeared recently with the latest update and occurs on both iPhone and Mac. It seems that Energy cards retrieved from the discard pile cannot be selected to be attached to…
Deck Search Bug
I am encountering an issue that is making the game unplayable. Randomly when I use any kind of deck search (Artazon, VIP, Forest Seal, Arven) I am given this screen. It can happen on one deck search and not the next. There is no way to go back to the board, I just have to wait for it to time out. Multiple of this glitch is…
Feraligatr is able to use Croconaws Move
Greetings, recently had a game where a player kept switching their pokemon out to bring Feraligator as their active and then they would use Reverse Thrust which is a move that Croconaw has not Feraligatr. There were no tools attached that allowed it to use another pokemons ability. Id post a screenshot of the battle log…
Heavy Baton Bugged
Heavy Baton is bugged and doesn't even show energy on screen for you to move to the benched pokemon.
anyone can tell me what happened?
Anyone had issues with Heavy Baton?
running regular iron hands deck with Hands in active spot and it had a heavy baton and four electric energy on it. No stadiums or anything I could find that would stop it from working. Opp knocked hands out and all cards went to discard. Anyone else seen this?