Minun bug?
Minun's ability doesn't seem to work.
Archaludon Ex Ability Assemble Alloy just breaks
I was playing a match against a Charizard player and went to use the ability of Archaludon Ex's Assemble Alloy. It gave me the prompt to choose 2 metal energy. Afterward, it says to select a metal Pokemon to attach said energies to. It would not let me attach energy to anything. The energies just did small animations when…
Archaludon EX is broken
when evolving an Archaludon on the deck, post selecting energy from your discard pile, you can’t move the energy to any Pokémon, you have to wait for your turn to time out.
How many time before game fixed?
game is totally broken with tons of news bugs. Will it be possible to fix it all ? It’s crazy
Archaludon Ex cannot pick which pokemon that should be attached with 2 metal energy (Assemble Alloy)
Hello, After the last update that happened a few days ago, I found that, whenever I summoned my Archaludon Ex and triggered its Ability (Assemble Alloy), I could not drag the 2 Metal Energy and attach it to my Pokemon. This situation is really annoying because I cannot use this Ability to attach the metal energies to the…
Scramble Switch is not working properly.
Scramble Switch will successfully switch out the Pokemon, but will not allow the player to swap energy to the new active Pokemon. This is happening every time I use it, since the last update.
There seems to be bug when using his ability to attach 3 lighting energy from your discard pile. You are unable to attach them to your pokemon, the screen just freezes until the timer runs out where the system just randomly attaches the energy. Please fix this
Switching Energy Cards Issue
I had been using the ace spec scramble switch card from my hand to play which allows players to switch active Pokémon to one of our bench Pokémon and attach all basic energy cards to the new active Pokémon But although it tells us to select Pokémon to move into the active spot but later when you move one of your bench…
can't close card information interface
when I click opponent pokemon for detail information, I can't close the interface, make me lose many times
Entire Duraludon deck unplayable due to bugs
Firstly, Archludons ability just bugs out and you're stuck with 2 floating energies until the move timer runs out and the energies get put on your active, which is the entire point of the deck. Secondly, Scramble switch also just bugs out after you do the switch and you cant move any energies and are just stuck until the…