Gardevoir Bug
When using Psychic embrace there is a chance that 20 extra damage will be added to you PKMN in my case I was loading up Drifloon with 5 energy (100 damage total) and when I hit "done" for the ability it added an extra 20 causing drifloon to knock itself out. The thing is that in psychic embrace's ability it says you can't…
Cannot login, keeps giving error 10011
Goodday, I try to log in on Ipad and on my PC but both platforms give me error 10011. I cannot find what the error means or how to solve it. Ipad us up ta date and on both ipad and PC i just installed the game.
Sorting by regulation mark
I was wondering if its possible to search by the regulation mark instead of by set. As it would make, making decks that tiny bit faster for new players and old players coming back to the TCG and because im lazy and dont want to sift through thousands of cards looking for that one regulation mark.
Iron Thorns is not counted as basic for abilities from latias ex, regileki vmax, zapdos
Coin flips... 50/50?
I'm curious how many other people have encountered this issue. In a recent match against a trainer using Ambipom, I had seven (7) straight attacks come up as nullified due to Primate Dexterity. I'm used to coin flips adding a fun amount of randomness and unpredictability, but this is way more than I've seen in any other…
Cynthia Does not work on new Garchomp
Tested in match against bots and player, when the new Fighting Type Garchomp is in the active zone, it does not receive the +50 bonus from Cynthia's support card. Dragon Type Garchomp still gains boost when tested In same match.
Switch Cart Heals 50 instead 30
As written in the title…
My time clock
was playing a game today and my time clock was running down when is was my opponent turn.
Big view softlocks the game
I can't be the only one to report this, but I have to post about this bug. Sometimes when I click on an opponent's card to enlarge it and look at its info, I can't close the big view window, even after the turn passes. I've lost multiple games in the past day by just clicking on a card and then being locked out of playing…
Bug Report - Ditto's "Transformative Start" Error
There is a repeatable but where, when going first and starting with Dittto (MEW) in the active spot and using it's ability "Transformative Start" you cannot select certain valid cards to replace the Ditto with. This is game-breaking for many decks which are, by the nature of the card, relying on Ditto to NOT be in the…