Mimikyu vs Cornerstone Oggerpon
Was just in a game and a Mimikyu was able to deal attack damage to my Cornerstone Ogerpon even though it has an ability. How is this possible?
Jet energy is pointless now
I might as well add more switches. It does absolutely nothing now
Pokémon tools broken
Totodile (set - TEF 039/162) equipped with T.M. devolution does not discard at the end step. Eevee (set - SFA 050/064) equipped with gravity gemstone works on bench and the active Pokémon can't even switch even if you fulfill the +1 additional retreat cost. Not sure if this abuse works with every Eevee right now.
No one wants to play with people like this...
No one wants to play with someone who tries to make them deck out… no one wants to play with an energy denier… no one wants to play with someone who always get's the Charizard out on the first turn they are able to attack when that Charizard automatically get's full energy from the deck… etc etc etc… "Well why did they…
error 10099
after years of not having this issue it have alrdy come back(after the new updates) n before u suggest anything i had done all available temp fix like changing region/time logging out from pokemon id in the web n relogging lastly also reinstalling but it still stay the same!, the weird thing on my phone it works fine only…
Gardevoir EX ability deals extra 20 damage after hitting "Done" and often bugs out
Title, it causes your pokemon to take extra 20 damage after hitting done, it will often bug out and reopen the energy selection menu, and the extra damage can even KO your own pokemon. Please fix, it literally cost me a whole game by KO'ing my own Drifloon after attaching the max amount of energy, then the game forced…
Why the game is now broken ?
it’s now completely impossible to play for me now. Game freeze, big bugs with gardevoir who kill my pokemons due a lag. Can it be fixed ? Or the game is totally broken for ever ?
New Gardevoir ex ability issue encountered today
I was in a close match vs a Ceruledge deck. It was my turn and I had the winning sequence ready. He just KOd my Drifloon w/5 energy on it the turn before, so I moved up my Scream Tail w/ bravery charm to active ready to use Gardy's ability to attach energy to ST and KO his LumineonV on his bench for last 2 prizes and win,…
Giovani's Charisma
noticed a bug with this card. if played without having an energy card in your hand, after removing energy from the opponents active pokemon, it simply doesnt give the option to end the action, thus forcing you to concede as you cant do anything else
Gengar Ex bugged
Since tge update when playing my Gengar EX and using it's attack to move an energy from my opponent's active to the bench I get the message saying I can do it but I can't seem to select the energy to move. I'm playing on mobile Is it just me or are others experiencing this as well and is it just the Gengar or would there…