I'm lonely 🥺
Does anyone want to just chat
god pack
Has anyone gotten a pack that has like only really rare cards like (I'm sorry my terms are probably really bad) gold art ex and full art ex and special illustration cards? I got one but I was wondering if it was just a glitch or if it happens a lot.
Has anyone gotten a pack that comes with a "gold art" ex a "full art" ex and 3 "special illustration" cards? (sorry i don't really know the terms for Pokemon tcg pocket) I got a pack like that…
Let‘s trade EX-cards from Genetic Apex
Hey, I am looking for the following cards from the „Genetic Apex“ set: Blastoise EX (056), Gengar EX (123), Machamp EX (146), Wigglytuff EX (195). The cards I can offer in exchange are the following: 2x Moltres EX (046), 2x Zapdos EX (104), Mewtwo EX (129), Mew EX („Mythical Islands“ 32). If you are interested in a trade,…
Does anyone have vaporeon , Raichu, Magneton, Pidgeot , greninja, jyynx, Golem? (genetic apex ver.)
Card exchange ♢ ♢ ♢
I need: Exeggutor Gyarados Aerodactyl I have: Beedril Vileplume Charizard Moltres Articuno Jolteon Machamp Golem Nidoqueen Nidoking Weezing Dragonite Snorlax id: 9195132775946577
Pinsir TWM Slow Crunch treated as a special condition, not an effect
Just got this deck today, but in the very first match I was playing against an Arcanine ex deck. I used slow crunch on the Growlithe, and then on the opponent's turn, they evolved into Arcanine. The slow crunch did not KO on their turn. Testing in the deck editor also leads me to believe that it is treated as a special…
Can we please have a dedicated forum page for trades?
There is no discussion at all now. Just people spamming new trade topics non-stop.
Pokemon etb dice
They are all the same! Nearly every etb dice set since I don't even know how far back, I went far back and eventually couldn't go further, is the same blue and grey damage dice. The coin flip dice are all different, and they look sick, but the other dice are the same. There are some exceptions, like prismatic evolutions…
Can someone tell me why these numbers are like this?
I have this card and the numbers seem to be hand written over the top of the number. The first numbers “148”/147 has a number hand written over it. The card is a Golisopod GX