Trade offer - LF Articuno EX
LF: Articuno EX —— I can offer Blastoise EX, Moltres EX, Zapdos EX, Machamp EX, Marowak EX, Egg EX, Mewtwo EX, Gengar EX, Pidgeot EX or Aero EX in return
I need a Magneton to complete the first collection ID 0730243707473933
TCG Pocket trading feedback
I love the trading feature and how it can sort of be done “remotely” over time, but what I would love to see is a way for us to trade for specific cards we want. Either a way to just indicate - so that it appears next to your name for other players - a card or two that you’re looking for, or a way to make an offer for a…
Anybody have luck as bad as mine?
Please tell me I'm not the only person whose pull rates are abysmal? I opened 18 packs got 1 shinx art card. My buddy opened 4 and and got a hit in every single one!!!! Does this app just pick and choose what accounts are curses? Like seriously what is going on
I need Moltres Ex - Starmie Ex - Arcanine Ex
Just let me trade two star cards! That’s all I want.
The cost is atrocious, the method is convoluted, but please, I would put up with all of it if I could just trade my two stars for other two stars. (Or even turn extras into pack points, anything!) I’m ashamed to say that I’ve put hundreds into this game, and just have terribly bad luck. If I can’t trade two stars or use…
ID : Mythic Friend ID : 3227795542450332 LLooking For 3 Diamond magneton. I have a decent amount of cards I could trade for it
Hello I need the mew ex from mythical islands. I also need one more charizard and exxegutor if possible. I can offer: gengarx2 ex aerodactyl ex pidgeot ex machamp ex articuno ex starmie ex moltres ex venusaur ex My friend code is: 4481312459860334
Need 4 🔷Celebi ex🌿 from PLANETA GC WORKS
Need celebi ex from PLANETA GC WORKS Can trade with Mew ex Wygglytuff ex Aerodactyl ex
Need Pidgeot Ex
Hello, I want Pidgeot Ex Trade for: Aerodactyl EX, Gengar Ex, Venusaur Ex, Marowak Ex, Moltres Ex ID: 9422783825041764 Name: Gila