Trading System is Outrageously Flawed
So basically, about trading Not only is trading cards limited by having to consume hourglasses Not only is it limited by having to trade cards within the same rarity Not only is it limited to 1-4 diamond and 1 star cards Which are all things we already knew But it is ALSO LIMITED by having to consume tokens to trade 4…
Disappointed with the game
The trading card system is so unusable and unfair, I won't ever be able to use it nor do I want to. Please fix it. I can see this ruining the game if these types of decisions continue being approved and realized.
This isn't by any meaning of the word a trading system
Finally, the "trading" system is here and is a horrible horrible mess… Who thought it was a good idea to make the players burn cards to trade them?? And at such horrible rates. If we're burning cards, just let us disenchant them for dust like in other games and craft what we want at a fair rate. Also, the ridiculous…
Unfair Stamp activated by KO on own turn
Unfair stamp should only activate if there is a KO on the opponent's turn My opponent put a Bravery Charm on their Active Ralts, Psychic Embraced 4 energy on, and then evolved into a Kirila, then played Unfair Stamp even though that was the first prize card taken that game.
Is there a time limit on choosing heads or tails
I'm playing against a player that goes by the gt avatarjets and he's been waiting the last 15 minutes to decide whether he wants to choose heads of tails... can we have a report button for players like this?
Trading system is poorly implemented
As many have stated, the trading system is horribly made, and extremely predatory.
Trading system is too expensive
The trading tokens are a convoluted and expensive system. The rate for earning enough tokens to trade 3 diamond, 4 diamond, and 1 star cards is far too expensive. It's clear that the developers don't actually want players to use the trading features based on the current rates. If the rate was cut in half it would still be…
Trading System Discourages Community Outreach
I'm here to say the same thing that everyone else is: That the trading system is needlessly restrictive and expensive and convoluted. But most importantly, I'm disappointed in the idea that if I get extra cards that my friends don't have, I can't even easily give them my duplicates, because I would need to have 5 or more…
Which trade system fix would you prefer?
The trading system is stuid, broken, greedy, useless and it makes the game being a 5/5 fun game to a 1/5 greedy trash app. Having to litteraly burn all our nice cards to be able to trade one single card is completely stupid! So there we are, what would be the best fix for this mess and of an update? Keep the "sacrifice…
This is not a trading system
"Trading" isn't even that - the concern of the trading system should be choosing a card of yours to give and finding someone who is willing to give the card you want. With this system, that's a fraction of the concern relative to finding FIVE CARDS of similar rarity to sacrifice. I understand that it needs to be limited…