Just out of interest, what do people think of the Galar starters?
I heard some people saying that they don't like the Galar starters, so I was wondering what people think.
More Solo battles, Offline mode?
I am confident that this is already being worked on and expanded by the development team for pokemon pocket. But I want to get my thoughts down anyways just in case. This is feedback for solo battles and the possible expansion thereof. As it is the solo battles are a 1 and done thing. There's no need to go back to them…
Battle Mode Suggestions.
I decided to type out my thoughts just in case. But there is a high chance that many things I mention here could already be in the works by the developers or something similar to a degree. A lot of people have talked about different game modes both outside and inside these forums. Based on others thoughts and my own…
Marrowak EX attack coin flips results in 2 tails every time
Marrowak EX attack flipped 2 tails 6 times in a row. The odds of this are 1/4096. Please take a look.
Suggestions for the next cards
I really love this game and have been a fan of the franchise, and I really want this game to thrive. But for that, I think that some cards needs to be fixed, while opening up options for new strategy. Here are my proposals : (Making it strategic without increasing Powercreep - hopefully) Necessary Changes 1) Misty (100%…
World's Most Popular Shiny Pokémon is Coming
Shiny Rayquaza will soon be able to find in Dragon Tera Raids in Scarlet and Violet, and it's also a 5-star Tera Raid, meaning it will be easy to get! Who's thrilled about this?
Missing back panel error??
Ok, guys this may seem extremely strange but a couple weeks ago I pulled a Wailord card from a silver tempest booster pack that DOES NOT HAVE A BACK PANEL! Now I've been all over the internet looking for something of this nature an have only come across the obvious info about how Pokemon cards are made of 3 layers composed…
UX suggestion: change the news icon
Just a small UX change suggestion. The news icon should be a newspaper or similar, not a mail envelope icon. I only started a few weeks ago and was looking for the news to check what event was going on again. I was looking right at the icon but didn't think to click it because I assumed it was messages or something…
Mystery dungeon Story part 12
chapter 12 - whole hearted memories After a good night's rest Leo, Mirage, and Lilly went to check the request board to see if there is any rescue missions in the abandoned garden. In the center of the board a request, written in blue, read "HELP! I'VE GOTTEN LOST IN THE ABANDONED GARDENS. -ALOMMALOALAH." Leo grabbed the…
When will Devs fix match making?
#1 ask from all players. To fix match making. What will it take to fix it?