Trading is awful
hi there, I understand that the app needs some guardrails but the trading is insanely complicated and difficult for no reason, trading in your cards just to get one of equal quality is hilariously awful
Damage Calculation
Following scenario. My opponent has Gallade-ex as his active pokemon, while having Lucario on his bench, granting him +20 Attack power for fighting type moves. Gallades move does 70 +20 damage for each energy attached to my active Pokemon. His attack should've done 130dmg if I'm not mistaken. 70 +40 for my energies and +20…
Trading stinks and i hope the devs listen
Hello, this is another post complaining about how poorly implemented Trading is in this game. The amount of of tokens you need to trade and the amount that you can get is absurd. For two players to get an one card they need they both have to burn a huge amount of other cards. 3 diamond and up cards are in no way garunteed…
Individual profile view on Switch vs iPhone
find it mad that on a Nintendo switch as a game is loading the button to view profiles is still individual. I.e you have to click 10 profiles to see everyone but on an iPhone it’s one click to flip everyone’s profile over. Surely a super simple fix?
HELP ME complete mythical island
I NEED CELEBI EX 4 💎, RAICHU 3 💎 and PIDGEOT EX 4💎 HELP PLS ID CODE: 6797866348778130
Looking for Melmetal, Cyrus and Rocky Helmet
Hello! I need few cards, Melmetal, Cyrus x1, Rocky Helmet x2. Please tell me what you need instead;) My ID: 8585-2343-3474-5750
Segnalo un bug, gli attacchi delle eevoluzioni teracristal possono essere usate ogni turno
Allestimento Fylomega ha scelto croce per il lancio della moneta iniziale. skeboosh ha vinto il lancio della moneta. skeboosh ha deciso di andare per primo. Fylomega ha pescato 7 carte come mano d’apertura. 7 carte pescate. • Charmeleon, Canna da pesca super, Charmeleon, Ricerca Accademica, Energia base Fuoco, Charizard…
Trade systems is bad. you can’t even trade any rarity like promo cards, and you need to discard multiple cards to be able to trade one
Trade for venusaur 003
I have a Blastoise 009, Gyarados 0130, omastar 0139, Zapdos 0145, Hypno 097, mewtwo 0150, muk 0089, Snorlax 0143 available to trade for it. friend ID 3012188083630519