Implementation of Trading Is Very Disappointing
I was very much so looking forward to the trading feature being added, but it's almost completely unusable. Please allow us to trade 2 stars and above, as well significantly increase they amount of tokens we receive... or better yet, remove the tokens all together.
Fix Trade System
at first im okay with the limitation (same rarity,only up to 1 star) after the update seeing how the trade work, this trade is suck - you need to convert multiple card into token to trade 1 card you can just make it cost more energy depending on rarity like wonder pick - cant communicate with others if they have the card…
Trading in TCG pocket is terrible
It’s downright unusable with needing to have several immersive or higher rarity cards just to trade one, and then not even been able to know what our potential trade partner has to offer in return. Completely broken and honestly insulting to people who play this game.
Suggestions for how Trading should've been Implemented
Let me know what you think in a comment below: TTrading Should've been limited to diamond rarities only, with increasing stamina requirements as you increase rarity. 1 for 1, 2 for 2, and so on. This allow new players the chance to grab cards they need to finish decks, without allowing an account resetter to farm art…
Trading Sucks
Might as well remove trading if it is this bad. These mechanics are heavily anti-consumer and I don't know of a single person that thinks it is good.
The trading system is just bad and needs a redesign
If anyone that works for Pokemon sees this can ya please make the game better, you building a wall that makes it hard to trade for a Pokemon tcg game really killed the experience for me. I was thoroughly enjoying the game but when I saw the trade system I hated it. I feel like I can’t ever finish a set not only do you keep…
Is this a joke? (Trading)
Whoever greenlit the entire design for trading is the most incompetent individual I have ever seen run a TRADING card game.
FIX Trading or change the game name to Pokemon Card Game
To hype trading for ages and have this is beyond frustrating, I have never seen a trading system like this + make the Trade menu show others' trade wishlists like a community showcase so I don't have to go to another app to get what I want
Trading feature practically unusable
Biggest issue: The exchange rate for breaking down cards for trade currency in comparison to how much you need in order to trade cards is ludicrous. Who thought it was reasonable to expect players to burn 4 spare EX cards in order to earn enough currency to trade 1? Or to burn 5 three-diamond cards to trade 1? As it…
Called Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket, but you cannot trade??!!
This new trade system is completely broken! The whole idea of this game is trading.. I mean it's in the name of the game!! But they don't want you to trade, make a broken greedy system and call it a day! People playing this game want to trade with their friends, like real life TCG… Why prevent us from doing so??