I like songs
Can everyone try to take the lyrics of any song and make it Pokémon themed? Put yours in the comments
Need Gengar Ex
Trade for: GYARADOS Ex Zapdos EX Marowak Ex Celebi Ex ID: 2345382203560573
Suggestion: more attack animations
A little something I wish would be added to the game is more attack animations. Precisely, type accurate attack animations. Blizzard, for example, currently has the water animation when a water-type Pokémon does the attack. However, an ice animation would be cool instead to emphasize it. Same with other attacks, of course.…
LF: Blastoise EX, Hypno, Pidgeot (non EX). Listed my dups
LF: Blastoise EX, Hypno, Pidgeot (non-EX) Have Extra: Arcanine EX, Pikachu EX, Zapdos EX, Mewtwo EX, Machamp EX, Wigglytuff EX, Vileplume, Charizard, Arcanine, Moltres, Blastoise, Zapdos, Nidoqueen, Melmetal, Ditto, Snorlax 7963462365609953 Feel free to send offers!
Looking for Darkrai ex and weavile ex, I have most ex's
My friend code is 8645062256554196 I have most ex's from before space-time packs and have palkia and a couple more ex's from new one. Also looking for pokemon communication, Cyrus, and dawn as well. Thanks!
Spacetime Smackdown needed
looking for anybody with some Spacetime Smackdown cards to spare! I’m in need of: Torterra #12 Magnezone #53 Dusknoir #72 Rhyperior #82 Weavile EX #99 Darkrai #109 Dialga EX #119 Have plenty of GApex and MIsland to send your way, with some STSmackdown available too. Let me know
Need a Ex- Moltres
I need a ex moltres, I can trade for exeggutor ex, arcanine ex and mewtwo ex. My id number: 3498457380736642
New Trading System Idea
This is how trading needs to be.. First off get rid of the trading tokens and only have stamina like wonder picks. Now when trading depending on the rarity of the card it removed the stamina like for example. 4 Diamond take 5 stamina 1 star takes 4 stamina 3 Diamond 3 stamina 2 Diamond for 2 stamina 1 Diamond for 1 stamina
Has anyone noticed
There has been a theme in my recent posts can anyone guess? The posts are where I talk about making the start of the game faster, ugly nest balls, rarest things and ugly emotes here is a hint look at the script
Bug report
in the expert solo battles I keep beating the volcarano & moltres ex deck with a dragonite deck that is all less than 3 stars, but I never complete the challenge to beat it with a 1-2-3 star deck. Am I doing something wrong, or is this bugged