Need a gardevoir and a muk 🔸🔸🔸
These two cards are the only ones i need to complete my genetic apex collection. I have too many 3🔸 cards so feel free to ask if there’s anything y’all want. I don’t have magnezone nor magneton 🥲
What cards do you guys think should be banned
If it should be banned from standard or entirely what are your guy’s opinions?
Japanese Pokémon Names
Happy New Year! I'm going to start this Year with spreading how weird some Pokémon names are in Japanese. Some are good, but some are just straight up a real, normal word. For example, Charmeleon. It's called Lizardo in Japanese. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, are called Freezer, Thunder, and Fire. There's probably a lot…
Gardevoir EX Still Bugged
Psychic Embrace is still broken after the update. Tried on both desktop and iPad. It is adding an extra 20 damage after attaching energy, knocking out Pokemon.
Palkia Vstar's Vstar ability bugged
When attaching the second water-energy with the Vstar-ability "Star Portal" it also automatically attaches the third energy to the same Pokémon. At the same time, the screen makes a weird "bug-looking" flash. Have happened every single time I've used it for several days in a row.
Can we please get Hisuian Typhlosion and Mega Swampert Added?
I really just wish that we could get 2 new pokemon added to the roster I want, Hisuian Typhlosion, a Speedster. using ranged moves, Special Attacker His 1st attack can be Infernal Parade or Shadow Claw Second Attack is Eruption or Flame Wheel Starting with Swift and Ember Passive: Typhlosions attacks burn over time and…
No mute option
there's currently no way to mute your opponent or a way to opt out of the end game celebrations. Both of these things are very annoying and there should definitely be a way to turn it off. The end game celebrations are way way too long and just annoying to watch. Having an opponent that spams emotes all game is awful as…
Card Trading Pokemon TCG Pocket
Need Butterfree ◇◇◇ #007 Gloom ◇◇ #012 Vileplume ◇◇◇ #013 Victreebel ◇◇◇ #020 Exeggutor ◇◇◇ #022Skiddo ◇ #031 Charizard ex ◇◇◇◇ #036 Wartortle ◇◇ #054 Poliwhirl ◇◇ #060 Poliwrath ◇◇◇ #061 Horsea ◇ #070 Ducklett ◇ #085 Swanna◇◇ #086 Greninja ◇◇◇ #089 Raichu ◇◇◇ #095 Pikachu ex ◇◇◇◇ #096 Jolteon ◇◇◇#102 Zapdos ◇◇◇ #103…
Why is it people feel the need to use all their cards when all they need to do is attack one more ti
its just toxic asf tbh, wasting time and bming
Could creator of game upgrade number of binders?
Could creator of game upgrade number of binders? 15 binders with 30 card space each is too little