Discouraged By Lack of IRL Cards
Does anyone else feel discouraged to play, with the lack of, not just prismatic evolutions, but any sets at retail? Where I live, it's almost become impossible to find any booster packs, of any set, in person. Prismatic Evolutions really isn't the issue, but it certainly didn't help. I love the online game, but I get…
The game is so slow that it skips my turn
Lately, the game has been so slow that when it becomes my turn and I am finally am to do something there is already a timer ticking my turn away… and then sometimes it's even slower, skipping my turn entirely.
Need Melmetal
Hi all! I'm missing the following cards: Genetic apex ♦️♦️♦️: Melmetal Up for trade: ♦️♦️♦️: Volcarona, Gyarados (GenApex), Lapras, Vaporeon (GenApex), Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Pidgeot (GenApex), Raichu (MythIsland), Mew, Golem (MythIsland) Any help is very appreciated:) Friend id: 6471537203363459
Japanese Pokémon Names
Happy New Year! I'm going to start this Year with spreading how weird some Pokémon names are in Japanese. Some are good, but some are just straight up a real, normal word. For example, Charmeleon. It's called Lizardo in Japanese. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, are called Freezer, Thunder, and Fire. There's probably a lot…
Praise Be Armaldo
Praise be Armaldo. #0348, the Plate Pokémon and a rock/bug type. Praise be him, the prehistoric ancestor of modern day bug types and a truly powerful Pokémon.
mystery dungeon story 2 part 1
Chapter 1- Reluctant Assistance Bella frantically started to search for someone too help, to the best of her abilities that is since she still wasn't used to her new flippers. "Hey Popplio I can feel that you are stressed and frantic, it's hard for me to handle strong emotions in the state I am right now. Remember the lake…
Let's show off our awesome Pokémon in Pokémon GO!
Is there a Pokémon you have in Pokémon GO that is rare or special in some way? Well, here's the place for you! You can share these elusive Pokémon with us! First off: The Perfects! Perfects are rare, of course, but shiny perfects are even rarer… …but lucky perfects are rare, too! And now one really worth showing off: My…
How often do you nickname your Pokémon?
Since I enjoy giving my Pokémon nicknames to give them a unique sense of personality or to highlight their special qualities after evolving, do you feel the same way or is it just me?
Predictions for the next Z-A trailer/info?
Honestly, I feel like I can't wait till Pokémon day. We've been waiting for any new information about Z-A for almost a year now, nothing new has been revealed AT ALL since Pokémon Day 2024. We didn't even get any hints. We still don't know anything about it other than that it takes place in Lumiose City, that Megas are…
1996 cards?
isn’t there any way to get the good old cards from the 90’s? Personally I don’t like the new cards as much