no reward from daily quest bug is back....
as title said, i dont receive any rewards from daily quest again today… no exp, no credits.. wasnt it already fixed?
LF Weavile EX in TCG Pocket
Just making a fun chip damage deck and would be happy to make a trade for a Weavile EX. Got alot of cards to offer of equal rarity. Doesn't have to be Full Art either. (b*,*)b
Trading for a couple cards
hello to all, im currently looking for some cards. im willing to trade i have some really rare cards that i wouldn't mind trading up if its worth it. the following cards im looking for: 1 Basic Weezing with the ablilty. 2 Darkrai Ex 1 Gengar Ex my in game name if someone wants to add me is Mr.PokeNoob,
The official store process
we’re trying to become an official Pokemon store, but the process is extremely unclear. Is there anyone who can walk us through this?
Looking for competitive players to join my squad
hi looking for competitive players to join my squad and competitive team the unite squad name is Vortex123 my username is Mr.clutch23
Looking for a Kabutops trade
Pretty much have every other 3 star ID: 0254092889185461
Looking for a simple Full Art Eevee
I have a full art Porygon, Shaymin, or Slowpoke to offer. Thanks so much.
Why is the Maintenace screen still here? And why can't I play Tcg live?
It's still saying all the Maintenace stuff and can't get in the game.
Looking for Arcanine EX/Golem genetic apex
Looking for Arcanine EX And genetic apex Golem Here's the cards I can offer for Arcanine EX: Charizard, Lavados, blastoise, Marowack, Zapdos, Pikachu, Mewtu, Machamp, Aerodactyl Cards I can offer for Golem: Charizard, Arcanine, Lavados, Victreebell, Venusaur, Vileplume, Exeggutor, Lapras, Vaporeon (both versions), omastar,…
Pokémon TCG: Timer runs out but game does not end
Hi group! This is my first post in here and I have a question regarding an issue that has happened to me several times. Right now I'm in a match against a lost-box Giratina deck, and it seems that I have big possibilities to win. But is my opponent's turn and it has been for more than 15 minutes and his turn is not over.…